Saturday, August 13, 2016

Chapter Three

Arnav, Akash, NK, and Anjali hadn't returned home until very early in the morning. They all snuck in and went to their rooms to get some sleep before their day began. Before long, it was time to wake up, and Arnav really didn't want to wake up because he didn't want to go to the meeting he was scheduled for. Unfortunately for him, he had to, being the Lord of the Land after all.

I miss the days before I was 21, he thought to himself.

Like every other Lord before him, he had earned his title on the night of his twenty first birthday, as was tradition. And like his ancestors, his portrait would soon join the former Lords' portraits in the family hall downstairs.

Arnav got up and got ready for the day. He wore his usual button down, waistcoat, dress pants, and leather shoes, and as always, he rolled up his sleeves. Just as Arnav was about to head downstairs, his phone chimed from a text alert. He glanced at it and saw that it was a text from Kavya:

>my body is so sore... i cant wait for it to be again ;)

Arnav smirked. Of course the whore had managed to save her number onto his phone.

His phone chimed again, this time the text containing a picture.

>im especially sore down here ;P

The image attached was her with her legs spread, naked.

Arnav smirked and did the thing he had never done before: he texted her back.


Arnav silenced his phone and headed down to breakfast. As expected, his grandmother had some words to say for them coming home so late last night. No one said anything to her, and once breakfast was complete, Arnav went to his study. He had a meeting with Mr. Shashi Gupta at 11 AM on the distributions from the mills.

At exactly 11 AM, Mr. Gupta arrived to Raizada Mansion. He was well acquainted with the senior Raizada men, the men being friends. Aryan eventually took Shashi to Arnav's study, setting a date for them to go golfing together, and then Arnav and Shashi began their meeting. About an hour and a half later, things were settled and the two walked out of the study, smiling at the deal they made.

"Seems like all is well," Aryan said as they joined him downstairs in the main hall.

"That it is," Shashi smiled. "The Lord is quite smart and talented."

"As he should be," Aryan grinned.

Arnav smirked as his mother came into the room.

"Mr. Gupta, won't you join us for lunch," she asked.

"Oh yes, I completely forgot to ask," Aryan said.

Shashi smiled. "Unfortunately, I have to decline. My daughter has returned from her trip to the city and she would kill me if I didn't eat the food she has prepared."

Arnav cocked his eyebrow.

"Oh yes, your daughter, I remember," Aryan said. "Sometimes I forget that you and your family aren't originally from this town."

This was news to Arnav.

"No, but it has been a long 11 years."

"Well we're glad to have someone like you in town," Aryan smiled.

"That I agree to as well," Arnav said. "Pleasure doing business with you," he said as he held his hand out.

"You as well my Lord," Shashi nodded as he shook his hand. "Oh, I almost forgot! My wife and I are hosting a white party at the cove this Saturday, and we would love it if you and your family came."

"We would be happy to," Arnav said, grinning to himself as he thought of all the girls that would be there, not to mention check out if Mr. Gupta's daughter was hot.

"Then its settled!"


After lunch was complete and everyone split to their own things, Shashi went into his study to do some work. After all, Arnav couldn't do everything and needed the support of his family, or at least, the men in his family.

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in," he said.

Shalini came in with a tray in hand, containing his tea. She walked over to his desk and placed his tea down and stood there.

Aryan glanced at her before resuming to his work. "Is there anything you'd like to say?"

Shalini pursed her lips. "Um... well I was thinking... um... well I-"

"Shalini, I don't have all day."

"Oh, yes, um... well after your friend left, I was thinking about his daughter whom he had mentioned, and well... well I was thinking, what if you spoke to him..."

Aryan looked up at her.

"...for Chote?"

Aryan thought about it for a moment.

"I understand that times have changed for our family, and that few people don't allow their children to marry as young as we had, now, but many still do. And they says things and well...."

"Hmm... I'll speak to him at the party this weekend."

Shalini's face lit up. "Really?"

Aryan nodded. "Hmm."

"Ah! Thank you so much," and she kissed him on his cheek.

The second Shalini's lips landed on Aryan's cheek and she had realized what she was doing, both froze. Aryan looked at Shalini as she looked back at him with wide eyes. Both stayed in this position for a moment before Shalini pulled back and clutched the tray to her.

"I-I'm sorry," and she quickly left, Aryan staring at the door even after she was gone.


  1. Uuummmmmm rista... Interesting...
    Plz continue..

  2. Nice
    Hopefully Arnav will be meeting khushi in next chapter
    Something sus about how Arnavs mum n dad acted after her kiss r they not close or in love ? Or am I just over thinking
    Looks like Arnav isn't interested in repeating his one night stand with kavya although he does like the ego boost
    Looking forward to next update
    Thanks for pm N plz keep em comin
