Monday, August 29, 2016

Chapter Six

Arnav led Khushi out of the ballroom and led her to the stairs to take her up to his study. Many women watched them as they left, muttering amongst each other, filling up with jealousy.

"Looks like we've got an audience," Khushi said to him as they went up the stairs

"That's usually the case," he said as they headed towards his study. "Think you'll get used to it?"

"Maybe, with time."

Arnav led Khushi down the halls and led her to his study. He opened the door for her and let her in first. Khushi walked in and looked at the red-mahogany, wooded room. The walls were covered with bookcases, shelves filled with numerous books. His desk was of red mahogany as well, with an emerald green lamp sitting on it. His chair, as well as the two seats in front of it were cushioned with emerald green fabric as well.

"Wow... this room is... wow," Khushi said.

"Red's my favorite color," Arnav explained.

"I know," she said as she stepped around the desk, tracing her fingers over it.

"You know? How do you know," Arnav asked, confused.

"Your mother," she replied, and she took a seat in his chair. "Mm, comfy."

"My mother told you?"

"Uh huh. We had a lovely chat at the white party and exchanged phone numbers. She told me plenty of things over the phone about yours truly."

Huh, Arnav thought. I guess getting Ma that phone really did pay off. "So what else did she tell you," he asked, stepping around the desk towards her.

"Mm... a variety of things," she said, getting up to look over at the items on his desk.

"Such as?"

"That's mostly confidential," she replied and she picked up a picture frame containing a photo of Arnav and Anjali.

"Why is it confidential?"

"Mother and daughter in-law business."

"Ah, I see."

Khushi placed the photo down and turned to face him as she sat on his desk. "We talked about your past."

"My past?"

"Yes. Your little track record of all the partying and the girls you've slept with."

Arnav's eyebrows shot up. The fact that his mother was speaking of his, er, rendezvous, was quite odd and weird.

"She told me to never let it bother me, since people being people will try to say things now and then, especially the women in their inner circles."

"Uh... huh...."

Khushi picked up a paperweight and analyzed it. "It's okay; we all have our pasts."

Arnav looked at her curiously. "Do you?"

Khushi looked at him. "That's for my husband to know."

Arnav smirked lightly, his arrogance coming on display. "Well luckily for me, that's me," he said, stepping closer to her.

Khushi placed her finger on his chest, stopping him from coming closer. "Not yet."

"But I will be."

"That you will."

Arnav continued to smirk smugly.

"Hmm, I can see why all the ladies throw themselves at you."

"Oh? Will you join them?"

Khushi shook her head. "I don't need to - because my future husband will throw himself at me."

Arnav grinned roguishly. "Will he now?"


"And why is that?"

"Because the slit on my dress is too much for his cock to handle."

Arnav sucked on his teeth. "Oh, such a dirty word from an angel's mouth."

"More like a princess."

"Is that so?"


In all of the heat of their talk, the two never realized when Arnav had wrapped Khushi's legs around his waist, nor how close their faces were due to the hold Khushi had on his hair.

"You want to fuck me," Khushi said.

"I do."

"Then what are you waiting for?"

Instead of responding, Arnav covered her lips with his, stifling her moan. His hands did quick work of his belt and pants, while Khushi removed his tuxedo and undid his bow tie as well as the buttons of his shirt.

"Are you on birth control," Arnav asked in between kisses.

Khushi shook her head.

Arnav reached into the top drawer on his right and pulled it open, retrieving a condom. He moved his hand in between her legs to feel how wet she was, and she was very wet.

"Fuck," Arnav growled.

He brought his fingers to his mouth to taste her.

"You're so sweet," and he loosened the hold on her legs and bent down to latch his mouth onto her.

Khushi cried out and gripped onto his hair as she laid back on the desk. His tongue did wonders to her and she tossed her head back with a moan. She felt herself build and she wanted her release more than anything. She grinded hips, rubbing herself on his face. Arnav gripped her waist, stilling her.

"Arnav please," she cried.

Something about her crying out his name turned him on. Usually he didn't like it and would have the girls he fucked call him my lord. Yet when it came to Khushi, his future bride, it was very different.

Arnav was on a mission, like a man in the desert, desperate for water. He would make her cum with his mouth only, and he wouldn't stop until she did. Luckily for him, he didn't have to wait long, as Khushi's clutch on his hair tightened and her back bowed off the desk due to her release. She cried out as she did, crying out his name, and Arnav didn't stop until she had her full release.

Khushi's body landed with a thud, but Arnav still had his mouth latched onto her. He took every last drop of her before standing up to look at her. Her hands laid limp at her side as her chest heaved, her eyes shut from the intense orgasm.

Khushi opened her eyes and looked up at him. "Am I sweet enough to be your wife?"

Arnav picked up the condom and tore it open with his teeth. "More than enough."

"Better than all the others?"

Arnav rolled the condom onto his length. "Much better."

"Then I assume I'm good enough to be your wife."

"You already were," he said as he positioned himself at her entrance.

"I was?"

"You are," and he slowly buried himself within her.

Both cried out in pleasure, Khushi gripping onto his arms while Arnav grabbed onto the edge of his desk. Once Arnav was buried deep within her, they both gazed at each other. Arnav drew back then slowly plunged into her again and watched as Khushi rolled her head back before his eyes shut in pleasure.

"You're so tight," he moaned.

Arnav drew back and plunged into her again.

"Fuck," he groaned.

Khushi whimpered and ran her hands over his back. "Please move. Please go faster."

Hearing her beg turned him on even more, and he did as she asked, withdrawing from her and thrusting back in without stopping. He picked up a pace and soon enough, the two created a rhythm as Khushi arched her back to meet him. Both moaned in satisfaction, Khushi's hands going down to grab his ass while Arnav placed one hand through her hair to take her lips, while the other went to her lower back to bring her closer.

Their steady pace grew faster and faster, both desperate for their release. Their foreheads rested on the other's, their grips tight as Arnav gripped her hair and Khushi gripped his ass. Arnav felt her tightening around him and knew that she was about to cum.

"Yes baby, cum for me," Arnav growled. "Cum for me angel, cum for me princess."

His words were her undoing and Khushi cried out as her back arched off the desk, her body letting go.

"Fuck fuck fuck," Arnav growled, as he continued to thrust into her, then let out his release.

He collapsed onto her and Khushi held him to her, not minding his weight since her body was limp and felt like jelly. They laid like that for a moment, until the numbness in their bodies began to go away.

Arnav picked himself up and looked down at the beautiful brunette who would be his wife. "You're mine."

Khushi finally opened her eyes and gazed up at her future husband. "You're mine."

The two continued to gaze at each other, not caring that they had a party downstairs for them, where the guests were curious where the main hosts were. They didn't care that their family was starting to get curious of their whereabouts, well, except for five people, since they had a good hunch.

No they didn't care, and they didn't want to.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Chapter Five

As Shalini had expected, Deviyani did accept the alliance. Aryan spoke to Shashi and the deal was sealed. Arnav would marry Khushi, and Khushi would become a Raizada Bahu, as well as the Lady of the Land.

"Bro, I can't believe you're getting married," NK said.

Akash pointed his cue at the white ball and hit it, pocketing no balls. "I can't believe he's following tradition."

"Me too! I mean the Lord of the Land still has to follow their parents orders of who he's going to spend the rest of his life with?" And he scoffed.

"Maybe Bhai should have gotten married at 13," Akash snickered.

Arnav hit him upside in the head. "Shut up. That shit is messed up."


"Whoa whoa whoa," NK piped up, getting up from his seat.

"Since when did you care about that shit?"

Arnav said nothing and struck his cue at the white ball, pocketing two stripes.

"Oh, I get it. Khushiji said that didn't she," NK teased.

"That's so cute of you Bhai," Akash teased.

Arnav rolled his eyes and hit the white ball again, pocketing another stripe. "Whatever," he grumbled.

"But in all seriousness, I've got one question for you Bhai."

Arnav straightened and leaned on his cue stick. "What?"

"Are you really going to marry someone you haven't fucked yet?"

"Oh! Good question Akash Bhai," NK chirped, all the while Arnav scowled.

"I mean do you really want to spend the rest of your life with someone who might possibly be bad in bed?"

"Yeah Nanav, why-"

There was a knock on the door before it opened, revealing Akash's mother, Amoli.

"Time for dinner," she chirped.

"Coming Ma," Akash said, and his mother left.

Arnav placed his cue away and headed for the door.

"Hey Nanav, you didn't answer the question," NK hollered.

Arnav turned to face them. "Here's all I have to say - don't put the ideas of sex and my future wife in a sentence ever again you two," and he walked out of the room.

"Gee, what crawled up his ass?"

Akash thought about it for a moment. "He has a point. After all that's our future bhabi."

NK thought about it too. "Holy shit!"

The two cringed and then headed out of the room. After all who on earth would want to think of their bhabi in such a way?


Arnav looked into the mirror and smoothed his tuxedo. After his family and Khushi's parents had finished making plans, the date of their engagement was decided, and tonight was that night, leading Arnav to such formal wear. He kind of wished he didn't have to and wanted to do his usual roll-up-of-the-sleeves, but it wasn't right for the occasion.

There was a knock at the door and Shalini came in. "Oh Chote, you look so handsome," his mother gushed.

"Ma," he frowned through the mirror.

"I can't help it," she squealed. "My boy is getting married!"

Arnav sighed with a roll of his eyes and focused on his bow tie.

Shalini came forward and adjusted it for him. "Are you ready for all of this?"

Arnav shrugged.

"Good, because if you were, I'd be worried."

"Ma," he said in shock, although he was amused.

Shalini rolled her eyes with a grin. "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

Arnav couldn't hold back his grin.

She finished adjusting his bow tie and looked up at him. "You're okay with marrying her, right?"

Arnav nodded. "Whomever you choose."

Shalini smiled and reached up on her tiptoes to kiss his forehead. "Shall we go," she asked, wiping away the remnants of her lipstick from his forehead.

"Yes, let's. And may I say, you look beautiful in your dress."

Shalini glanced down at her burgundy dress. "I was thinking of going traditional at first-"

"I'm glad you wore this. You'll be the most beautiful woman of them all."

Shalini chuckled. "Well, maybe second. Wait till you see Khushi."

Arnav scrunched his eyebrows. "They're already here?"

"Mm hmm. And I may have given her a pointer or two."

Arnav looked at his mother carefully. "What did you do?"

Shalini winked. "You'll see," and she led her son out of his room and took him downstairs to their guests and his future bride.

Arnav walked with his mother, arm in arm, greeting his guests as they passed. As they entered the ballroom, Arnav's eyes immediately landed on Khushi, everyone else in the room becoming a blur. Arnav gazed at the woman who would soon become his bride, dressed in a scarlet dress with full sleeves, taunting v-neckline, revealing back, and a slit over her left leg, which ran really high.

She's not wearing panties, he analyzed quickly. There's no way or they would've flashed whenever she walked.

From their one and only meeting, Arnav would have never expected this angel to ever dress so... daringly. But Arnav was glad that this sexy woman would become his and was sure she'd own more things similar to this dress.

Arnav and his mother reached them and Khushi looked up at her future husband.

"My Lord," she said softly with a curtsy.

Arnav took her hand with a bow. "My lady," and he kissed her hand.

Khushi stood by his side and the women gushed at them. Deviyani gave them her blessings, the rest of the family as well. Throughout the night, their guests wished them the best. Not long later, Arnav bent down at the knee and proposed, as was tradition. Khushi accepted and Arnav placed the ring on her finger, and everyone in the room erupted into applause.

As the drinks were handed out, Deviyani went to Khushi.
"May we speak?"

Khushi nodded. "Of course."

Khushi linked her arm with hers and the two began to walk away from the crowd once they excused themselves. Deviyani took them away from the guests and went somewhere private. They arrived to an empty hallway, filled with portraits.

"Oh my, these are beautiful," Khushi said as she admired them.

"These are our ancestors. They're family members of Lords past."

"Wow," Khushi whispered as they passed more portraits.

"There's many throughout the mansion, though I'm afraid one day they might run out of space," Deviyani chuckled.

Khushi smiled softly.

They reached the end of the hallway and paused by a grand window.

"I'm sure you're aware of my grandson's late night activities," Deviyani said as she sat down on the cushioned bench before the window.

Khushi nodded as she sat beside her.

"I thought so...."

Neither women said anything for a moment.

"I've always tried to make the men of this house better, to be good men whom would respect women. Unfortunately the world outside has more power over them."

Khushi held her hand and squeezed it lightly.

"I married into this family when I was 12. I know very well how hard it is to raise a child and to have a family at a young age. I didn't want that for my sons, nor the women they were meant to be with, but I failed on that part, as my husband was more keen to tradition. Luckily that wasn't the case for my grandchildren as he had passed away."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm not."

Khushi's eyes widened.

"These past 8 years have been very relaxing in comparison to all the years before. My husband was.... Well, that aside, I managed to do something with these Raizada men. Maybe not much, but something.

"I have tried to make the lives of my daughter in-laws' better, but my sons are... well, what they are. But my grandchildren," she turned her focus to Khushi, "I hope that there's some hope with them."

Khushi looked down.

"I know that they love to fool around, bedding possibly half of the people in this town, if not more. But I'm hoping that marriage might change this for all four of them.

"You just may be that first light of hope. I pray that you can change my Chote and make him a better man."

Khushi squeezed her hand. "I'll try my best."

Deviyani smiled softly. "I should warn you though, Chote is very stubborn and arrogant."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine," she assured her.

"Well in that case then, welcome to the family. From this day forward, I'm your Deeda."

"Thank you for making me a part of the family Deeda," and the two hugged.


Arnav glanced around the room, bored by the man whom he was speaking with. He wasn't even paying attention to what he was saying, so he had no clue what he was talking about. Luckily his father was there to engage in conversation with the poor man.

Arnav looked around and saw Khushi emerge with his Deeda, both smiling as they spoke.

What are they talking about, he wondered.

Arnav saw his mother meet the two and Khushi walked away with his mother. He watched them as they walked around and spoke, as the two headed towards him. He quickly turned his attention back on the two men in front of him, when Akash and NK tapped his shoulder and drew him aside.

"Congrats again brother," the two cheered, picking up glasses of champagne from a waiter beside them.

The three clinked their glasses and drank.

"So where's Bhabi," NK asked.


"Speaking of which," Akash said as his Kaki Ma and future bhabi came towards them.

Both women were chuckling as they reached the men.

"I hope that helps," Shalini winked before walking away.

Arnav looked at his mother curiously as she left, then turned to Khushi.

"Hi," she said softly.

"Hi," he replied. "Er, these are my cousins, Akash and NK."

"Hi," she smiled, holding out her hand.

Each kissed her hand with a greeting.

"Bhai's lucky to get a girl like you as his wife," Akash said.

"No kidding, eh Nanav," NK teased.

Arnav frowned as Khushi chuckled.

"Nanav? That's so cute," she chuckled.

"It is, isn't it? See-"

"Okay, story time is over," Arnav cut in between.


"Over," he said through his teeth.

"Fine," he huffed.

Khushi chuckled then turned to Arnav. "Can we go somewhere private?"

Arnav's eyebrows shot up and so did Akash's and NK's.

"Yeah, sure," Arnav replied.

Khushi took his arm and followed Arnav out of the room, while Akash and NK watched them.

"You think he's gonna get laid," NK asked.

"Mm... I think so. I'm surprised it's taken this long into the night."

"No kidding, I mean she's wearing red. His cock must be ready to fall off."

"No kidding."

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Chapter Four

Arnav rolled up his sleeves and looked at himself in the mirror. He was wearing a white button down, white waistcoat, and white jeans, along with white oxfords. Just as he finished adjusting his sleeves, his phone beeped.

>missing you ;)

Arnav rolled his eyes and muted his phone. This was the reason why he never responded to a girl's text - because they became too clingy. Kavya was no different, though he did admit he liked fucking her whore-of-a-cunt. She was loose, no doubt, but her wildness made up for it. As for her clingy-ness, it took away her points. Luckily for him, Kavya had gone to the big city for some reason he had paid no attention to as she had told him because he was to busy fucking her ass.

Arnav tucked his phone away in his pocket and headed downstairs. His family members were all there - except for Deviyani as she wasn't in the mood to party - all dressed in white. Once they were ready to go, they headed out, taking their cars and driving to the cove. The beach was filled with people, all dressed in white

"Chote, you didn't follow the dress code," Anjali said.

Arnav turned his attention to his sister. "What?"

"Your vest is lined with black and the buttons are black," she frowned, referring to the interior of the vest. "That's breaking the dress code."

"Like I care Di," and he looked back out the window as his sister made fun of him.

The Raizadas pulled up to the party and came out of their cars. Everyone turned their attention to them, all of them excited to see them, many hoping that by the end of the party, their daughter would be the Lord's future wife, if not, then at least a Raizada Bahu.

Shashi Gupta and his wife Garima walked over to the Raizadas to greet them.

"Thanks you so much for coming," Shashi smiled. "We really appreciate it."

"The pleasure is ours," Arnav said.

Shashi smiled. "This is my wife, Garima. Garima, meet his Lordship and his family."

"It is a pleasure to meet you my Lord," Garima smiled, holding her hand out to shake.

The Raizadas held back their surprise, as women in their town typically didn't do much, forget saying so much in one sentence in the public, forget the gesture.

Arnav took her hand and kissed it over her knuckles. "The pleasure is mine," he smiled.

Garima smiled. "Please, come this way."

The Raizadas followed the Guptas in. They met several people and saw some familiar faces as they associated with people.

"By the way Shashi," Aryan began, "we haven't had the pleasure to meet your daughter."

"Of course. My little one is always going around somewhere; hard to keep track of her."

Shalini glanced at Aryan, masking her slight worry.

"Little one," Aryan questioned.

"Yes," Shashi replied, then looked around. "There! There's my princess," he pointed.

They followed to where he was pointing. Arnav followed his finger as well and froze. Down by the beach wasn't a little girl, but a young woman, who was gazing out to the ocean, her back facing them. She wore a white high-low dress with very thin straps, the train slightly flowing in the breeze. Her head was adorned with a floral headband, containing white orchids.

Shashi spoke, but all Arnav heard was "that's... daughter... one... make... today."

I'll make your daughter's day, any day, with that ass, Arnav thought smugly. She's hardly little, old man, but a princess? That I'll have to find out, he lightly smirked.

"I'll call her over here to meet you all. Khushi," Shashi called out.

The girl turned around and everything else paused for Arnav. The smug expression on Arnav's face went away as he gazed at the angel who began walking towards them, his whole being attentive of her.

Every part of him.

Holy fuck, Arnav thought.

She was beautiful, her curls flowing in the breeze as she walked over to them. Arnav's eyes fixed on her, everyone else on the beach nonexistent, leaving just the two of them.

The woman reached them. "You called for me Babuji," she said as she stood beside Shashi.

"Yes Khushi, I'd like for you to meet the Lord and his family, the Raizadas."

Khushi put her hands together. "Namaste."

Arnav smiled slightly. Shit! Is she cultural and all innocent and shit?

"'re such a beautiful girl," Arnav heard his mother say.

She's sexy... but is she up for fun or not, Arnav wondered.

"It's a pleasure to meet you my Lord," Khushi said, holding her hand out.

Arnav took it and kissed it over her knuckles. "The pleasure is mine."

Khushi smiled lightly and so did Arnav.

"Well for right now, why don't you let go of your lord responsibilities for the moment and have some fun," Aryan beamed.

"Sure." Arnav turned to Khushi. "Care to join me," he asked, offering his arm.

Khushi took it. "It would be my pleasure."

Arnav and Khushi walked away, many heads turning as they filled with jealousy, as the two headed towards the water to walk along the beach on the walkway that was made. The Raizada's split to their own, talking to familiar faces.

"She's quite beautiful, your daughter," Aryan said to Shashi as he watched his son speak to Khushi.

"It's all from her mother," Shashi chuckled, and Garima playfully hit his arm.

"She's very sweet and kind," Shalini said. "Whoever she'll be with in the future will truly be lucky and happy."

Shashi laughed. "Oh if there only was someone written for her. My daughter is quite headstrong, that one," he chuckled. "It'll be hard for me to find a man who could handle her and her passion for history."

"History," Aryan questioned.

"Oh yes," Garima replied. "She spends time reading or researching, or watching documentaries. I understand that it's not usual in this town for a woman to do something, but what can I say? My daughter is unique and different."

"That she is," Shalini said, looking at her son and hopefully future daughter in law.

"But with differences comes a price," Shashi said. "I doubt there's anyone in town who'd want my daughter as their daughter in law."

"Well you're looking at someone right now," Aryan said.

Both Shashi and Garima looked at him, confused.

"We'd like for Khushi to marry our Arnav."


"So you aren't from here," Arnav said.

"No, we're from the city originally," Khushi said. "But we've been here for at least 11 years now."

"Things must be different for you."

"It is. Things are so different here. I mean little girls getting married at such young ages... it's horrible!"

Arnav cocked his eyebrow.

"I mean what about their childhood? Where is there chance to be naive? I'm 21 years old and I still don't want to be responsible. How could a 12 year old be responsible for her, her husband, her in laws, or her child?"

Arnav thought about it for a moment. He himself wished he could still party and fool around freely instead of having all of his responsibilities, yet here he was.

"It's safe to say I'm different from them, having never being married and all."

"That is true," Arnav said. "You're very different from all of the other girls."

"Is that good different or bad different?"

"Good," Arnav smiled genuinely and Khushi did as well.

"Well if the Lord says so, then it must be."

"Well technically my father told me to take a break, but that can't be done, so yes, as your Lordship says."

Khushi smiled. "Does it ever get boring?"


Khushi nodded.


"Well that's sad. But at least you do get to have your fun time," she smirked.

Arnav cocked his eyebrow and Khushi mimicked him.

"I think it's safe to say that everyone knows very well how much you love to party and fuck."

Arnav's eyebrows shot up. For some reason, he never expected this angel to say something so foul.

"It's a good thing you can let that stress off and not be a... ah! Not be a laad governor."

"A what," Arnav frowned.

"A laad governor," she giggled.

Although Arnav felt that he should be offended, especially since someone was making fun of his Lordship, something about her saying it, didn't make it so bad.

"I hope I haven't offended my Lord."

Arnav shook his head. "Um no, it's fine."

"So he can take a joke."

It wasn't a question, but he answered anyways. "Yes."

Khushi smiled and turned to face the water. "It's so beautiful here."

"It is," Arnav agreed. "One of my favorite places here."

"Really? Do you come here often?"

I'd like to take you here and cum in that tight pussy of yours. "No, especially not now due to work."

"Ah... well would you like to go in the water? Just to wet your feet; I love it when the cold water rushes over me and takes the sand away beneath my feet."

"I'm not so sure."

Khushi cocked her eyebrow. "Is his Lordship afraid of the water," she teased, stepping back.

Arnav smirked. Playful.... "No."

"So come and join me," and she stepped onto the sand.

Arnav had then noticed that she hadn't been wearing shoes this entire time, and he admired her white painted toes, feeling the urge to kiss and suck on them.


Arnav returned his attention to her and bent down and began to untie his shoes. Khushi grinned and ran off towards the water, Arnav following behind once he had taken his shoes off and had rolled up his jeans. He joined her by her side and then she took his hand and went towards the water.

It should be mentioned that when she did, both of them had felt a spark tingle up their spine. Not that they would say anything of it.

Arnav and Khushi stood side by side and when the water rushed over their feet, Khushi squealed from the cold.

"Wow that's cold," she said.

"Yeah, really cold," Arnav agreed.

"But relaxing, well, eventually."

And eventually, it was. For a moment, Arnav forgot of all of his duties, all of his stress, all of the pressure, and all of the nuisances - meaning Kavya - and relaxed. He shut his eyes and took a deep breath in, and let it out. His shoulders eased and he relaxed, a small smile playing on his lips.

"You look very cute when you smile."

Arnav opened his eyes and looked down at Khushi, who was smiling softly.

"So do you," he said, and blush rose on Khushi's cheeks.

"Thank you; you're too kind my Lord."

"I'm only saying the truth."



Both Arnav and Khushi turned around and saw her mother calling her over, waving her hand. Khushi nodded and began to go her way, when she stopped to a tug. It was then that both Arnav and Khushi realized that they were still holding each others hand, and neither were wanting to let go. They looked at each other, and then at their hands.

"I have to go," Khushi said softly, and she freed her hand and ran off to her mother.

Arnav stood still, however, shocked by everything that had just happened. This wasn't normal for him. If this was the normal, he would have been pulled her aside somewhere and would have already fucked her and made her cum five times, if not, four. Yet here he was, no orgasms given with no fucks.

"She's beautiful isn't she?"

Arnav snapped out of his thoughts and turned to see his mother.

"Ma when did you-?"

"Forget that. But you do agree that she's beautiful, don't you?"

Arnav looked at Khushi, who was talking to her mother. "Yes."

"She'd make a lovely bride."

This caught his attention and he looked at his mother. "Bride?"

Shalini smiled. "Well every Lord does need his Lady."

Arnav looked away.

Shalini stepped towards him and placed her hand on his shoulder. "I understand that times have changed, but if this would've been before, you would have been married the night you became the Lord of the Land. Luckily for you that wasn't the case."

His mother was right. In the old days, if the future lord hadn't married by the day of his ceremony, he would be wedded on that night. Luckily for him that wasn't the case, as well as the past five generations of the Raizadas.

"Your father agrees that she would make a good wife for you."

Arnav scoffed. "Really? Cause he knows women so well."

Shalini squeezed his shoulder. "Don't talk badly of your father."

Arnav met her eyes and she looked down. "Don't defend him."

"He's my husband," she whispered.

"You're his wife," Arnav countered.

Shalini said nothing and Arnav looked away. Finally Shalini looked up and put a smile on her face.

"Enough about me and your father, let's focus on Khushi."

The instant she said that, Arnav turned his attention to Khushi, who was now talking to both of her parents. She said something and she blushed which made Arnav curious.

"We're going to talk to Ma tonight about this."

"Do you think Deeda would accept?"

Shalini looked at Khushi, who was now with little children, looking at their floral headbands and placing them on their heads. "I know she will."

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Chapter Three

Arnav, Akash, NK, and Anjali hadn't returned home until very early in the morning. They all snuck in and went to their rooms to get some sleep before their day began. Before long, it was time to wake up, and Arnav really didn't want to wake up because he didn't want to go to the meeting he was scheduled for. Unfortunately for him, he had to, being the Lord of the Land after all.

I miss the days before I was 21, he thought to himself.

Like every other Lord before him, he had earned his title on the night of his twenty first birthday, as was tradition. And like his ancestors, his portrait would soon join the former Lords' portraits in the family hall downstairs.

Arnav got up and got ready for the day. He wore his usual button down, waistcoat, dress pants, and leather shoes, and as always, he rolled up his sleeves. Just as Arnav was about to head downstairs, his phone chimed from a text alert. He glanced at it and saw that it was a text from Kavya:

>my body is so sore... i cant wait for it to be again ;)

Arnav smirked. Of course the whore had managed to save her number onto his phone.

His phone chimed again, this time the text containing a picture.

>im especially sore down here ;P

The image attached was her with her legs spread, naked.

Arnav smirked and did the thing he had never done before: he texted her back.


Arnav silenced his phone and headed down to breakfast. As expected, his grandmother had some words to say for them coming home so late last night. No one said anything to her, and once breakfast was complete, Arnav went to his study. He had a meeting with Mr. Shashi Gupta at 11 AM on the distributions from the mills.

At exactly 11 AM, Mr. Gupta arrived to Raizada Mansion. He was well acquainted with the senior Raizada men, the men being friends. Aryan eventually took Shashi to Arnav's study, setting a date for them to go golfing together, and then Arnav and Shashi began their meeting. About an hour and a half later, things were settled and the two walked out of the study, smiling at the deal they made.

"Seems like all is well," Aryan said as they joined him downstairs in the main hall.

"That it is," Shashi smiled. "The Lord is quite smart and talented."

"As he should be," Aryan grinned.

Arnav smirked as his mother came into the room.

"Mr. Gupta, won't you join us for lunch," she asked.

"Oh yes, I completely forgot to ask," Aryan said.

Shashi smiled. "Unfortunately, I have to decline. My daughter has returned from her trip to the city and she would kill me if I didn't eat the food she has prepared."

Arnav cocked his eyebrow.

"Oh yes, your daughter, I remember," Aryan said. "Sometimes I forget that you and your family aren't originally from this town."

This was news to Arnav.

"No, but it has been a long 11 years."

"Well we're glad to have someone like you in town," Aryan smiled.

"That I agree to as well," Arnav said. "Pleasure doing business with you," he said as he held his hand out.

"You as well my Lord," Shashi nodded as he shook his hand. "Oh, I almost forgot! My wife and I are hosting a white party at the cove this Saturday, and we would love it if you and your family came."

"We would be happy to," Arnav said, grinning to himself as he thought of all the girls that would be there, not to mention check out if Mr. Gupta's daughter was hot.

"Then its settled!"


After lunch was complete and everyone split to their own things, Shashi went into his study to do some work. After all, Arnav couldn't do everything and needed the support of his family, or at least, the men in his family.

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in," he said.

Shalini came in with a tray in hand, containing his tea. She walked over to his desk and placed his tea down and stood there.

Aryan glanced at her before resuming to his work. "Is there anything you'd like to say?"

Shalini pursed her lips. "Um... well I was thinking... um... well I-"

"Shalini, I don't have all day."

"Oh, yes, um... well after your friend left, I was thinking about his daughter whom he had mentioned, and well... well I was thinking, what if you spoke to him..."

Aryan looked up at her.

"...for Chote?"

Aryan thought about it for a moment.

"I understand that times have changed for our family, and that few people don't allow their children to marry as young as we had, now, but many still do. And they says things and well...."

"Hmm... I'll speak to him at the party this weekend."

Shalini's face lit up. "Really?"

Aryan nodded. "Hmm."

"Ah! Thank you so much," and she kissed him on his cheek.

The second Shalini's lips landed on Aryan's cheek and she had realized what she was doing, both froze. Aryan looked at Shalini as she looked back at him with wide eyes. Both stayed in this position for a moment before Shalini pulled back and clutched the tray to her.

"I-I'm sorry," and she quickly left, Aryan staring at the door even after she was gone.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Chapter Two

"We should so throw our own lingerie party," Akash blinked.

"I second that motion," NK gaped.

The mansion was dark and thumped with music, filled with people in their nightwear. The guys were either in boxers or pajama bottoms, some guys wearing either a T-shirt, tank top, or were bare chested. The girls however were either in regular pajamas or in short night dresses, the latter being the winner.

"Well, let's party!"

Arnav, Akash, and NK moved through the crowd of swarming bodies, many dancing away. They went to one end of the room and glanced around, checking out all of the girls in their short nighties.

"Oh, I think I see one," Akash said.

The other two looked in his line of view and saw a girl with short light brown hair in a baby blue nightie wave at him.

"Deuces," and Akash headed over to her.

NK scoffed and glanced around before taking a beer from the table beside him. He noticed several girls looking his way, and just as one caught his eye, he noticed someone. "Yo Nanav."

Arnav looked at him when he patted his arm, then looked at what he was looking at. On the other side of the room was Kavya, Anjali nowhere to be seen. Knowing his sister, he was sure she was with a guy somewhere. That worked out perfectly fine for him. So he took a beer and walked over to Kavya.

He had only taken three steps when she noticed him. As Arnav got closer to her, he noticed the very light pink nightie she was wearing. When he was about five people away from her, she walked away. Arnav smirked as he followed behind, following her swaying hips. She headed up the stairs and Arnav preyed behind, his eyes following her exposed ass. Kavya walked down the halls, which were filled with bodies on top of each other, tongues being shoved down another's throat, dicks buried inside others, but Arnav paid no mind to that. He continued to follow Kavya as she entered a room behind double doors. Arnav followed in and locked the doors behind him, then found Kavya bent over a desk as she looked at something.

With a smirk, Arnav walked forward and went behind her. Kavya gasped as she felt his erection digging into her.

"If it weren't for my sister being there, I would have fucked you right there and then when I saw you," Arnav smirked smugly.

Kavya grinded her hips. "If it weren't for your sister, I would have let you."

Arnav whipped her around and smacked his lips onto hers. He growled as he picked her up and seated her onto the desk. His hands immediately grabbed her breasts, causing Kavya to cry out. She tugged at Arnav's shirt and Arnav pulled back to take it off then tossed it aside. He attacked her lips once more and his hands pulled at Kavya's panties, his thumbs hooked at the waistband. It didn't take long for it to disintegrate and get tossed aside carelessly.

"You owe me a new pair of panties," Kavya grinned.

"You don't need them," and he kissed her once more.

As Arnav pulled down her straps and let her breasts spring free, Kavya tugged down his silk pajama bottoms and let his erection free. Arnav pushed Kavya back, making her lay down on the desk.

"Are you on birth control," he asked.

"Duh," she said as if that were the most stupidest question one could ask.

Arnav smirked and rubbed himself against her entrance and Kavya groaned, shutting her eyes. Arnav bent over her and continued to tease her, then pulled on her hair.

"Watch that attitude," his eyes glinted.

"And if I don't," she teased.

With a smirk, Arnav took her nipple into his mouth and teased her. Kavya cried out as he teethed it.

"You'll get punished," he murmured over it, causing it to harden even more.

Kavya cried out once more as he teased her other breast. His other hand left her waist and crept its way down, then entered her.

"Ah fuck!"

Arnav smirked and withdrew his finger to put in two, and then three.

"You're a dirty little whore, aren't you," he teased.

Kavya looked up at him. "I want to be your dirty little whore."

Arnav didn't say anything and pulled out his fingers, only to put four back in.

"You love to fuck, don't you?"

Kavya nodded greedily. "I want your cock."

Arnav smirked and curved his fingers, hitting her sweet spot.

"Fuck," she cried out.

"What was that," Arnav asked, pretending as if he hadn't heard her.

"I want your cock," she cried as he curved his fingers once more.

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear you."

Kavya arched her back. "Please, I want your cock," she begged.

Arnav pulled his fingers out and Kavya groaned at the loss. "I'm sorry? I didn't hear that quite right. Sounded like you wanted something."

"Your cock," she begged with a pout.

Arnav ignored her ugly pout and rubbed himself at her entrance. "My what?"

"Your cock," she whined with a pout.

Arnav smacked her ass. "Don't be a brat."

She continued to pout. "I want your cock," she begged again.

Arnav pulled her up, whipped her around, bent her over the desk, and smacked her ass. "Beg."

"I want your cock," she gasped.

Arnav smacked her ass again. "Beg."

"I want your cock," she begged.

He smacked her ass again. "Again."

"I want your cock," she begged, grinding into him.

He smacked her ass once more. "Again," he said sternly.

She arched her head back. "I want your cock, my Lord."

"Now that's more like it," and he buried himself inside her.

Kavya cried out in pleasure, and Arnav fucked her hard, one hand at her waist as the other wrapped her hair around it. Kavya cried out as she met him thrust after thrust, holding onto the edge of the desk for dear life. Arnav felt her tighten around him and knew she was about to cum, just as he was.

"Fuck," Kavya cried out. "I love your fucking cock inside me! Fuck me hard my Lord, fuck me like the whore I am!"

Arnav fucked her harder, pulling on her her tightly as his grip tightened around her waist. It stung for Kavya, but it wasn't anything she wasn't used to. He pounded into her and within seconds, Kavya came.


Kavya's hold on the desk loosened as she let go. Arnav was about to cum, so he pulled out of her and came on her back. Once every last drop was out, he bent down and buried his face into her pussy, tasting her. Kavya moaned and reached back, scooping up Arnav's cum from her back and tasting it.

"Had I known, I would have let you cum in my mouth," Kavya grinned lazily.

Arnav stood up and smacked her ass once more, then he stepped away.

Kavya got up and watched his retreating back. "Leaving already? I would've thought there was more left in you."

Arnav stopped and looked back at her. "Is that a challenge," he questioned, his eyes gleaming with danger, his eyebrow cocked.

Kavya sat on the desk and spread her legs. "What do you think, my Lord?"

Arnav smirked, feeling himself already hard, and walked over to her. Kavya watched him as she leaned back on her hands, then gasped when he entered three fingers within her.

"Understand one thing," he began. "Never challenge Arnav Singh Raizada," and he replaced his fingers with his cock, and pounded into her mercilessly.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Chapter One

Glasses clinked once more, however the count was unknown. The three Raizada men tossed their heads back as they took yet another shot at their sixth club tonight.

"I now know how I'm celebrating my twenty second birthday," Akash said as he reached for another shot.

"No kidding. I'm even more drunk than I was at my eighteenth," NK said.

Arnav Singh Raizada smirked at his cousins. "You know me, always going above and beyond."

"That you do," and the three took shots again.

"But wait, there's more."

With a snap of Arnav's fingers, four strippers came over to them, causing NK to groan.

"Fuck yes," he growled as he grabbed the stripper before him by her waist.

Akash leaned back in his seat as the stripper gave him a lap dance. "This is the life!"

"I'd agree, but Nanav's got two friends instead of one," NK frowned.

A waiter came and handed Arnav his drink before going to the other two to give theirs. Arnav took a sip of his drink as the two strippers toyed with him and teased each other.

"I'm the birthday boy," he finally replied.

NK frowned, but said nothing, and the three enjoyed themselves.


It was about 4 in the morning when the Raizada men finally got home. And to no surprise, they were halted in their spots by their grandmother. She was still in her seat by the fireplace, her usual spot. The boys knew the drill and went over to her. She said nothing as they stood before her, looking at the crackling fire.

"The Lord of the Land," she finally said. "Do you understand the meaning of that?"

The question was directed at Arnav. "Yes."

"Do you understand the responsibilities of the Lord of the Land?"


"And will being out drunk and reckless until 4 AM make you a good Lord?"


"And yet you do it repeatedly, along with these two."

The three men glanced at each other.

Deviyani stood up and without another word, she left. The three Raizada men waited until she was out of the room and then let out their breath.

"Yo, I really thought we were busted this time for sure," Akash said.

"I'm telling you, one of these days, she will definitely explode on us," NK said.

"One day, but not today," Arnav said.

The other two shrugged and then the three split, heading up to their rooms, knowing that the morning would bring a massive hangover.


As predicted, Arnav's hangover was definitely massive. But this was a usual regimen, so he did what he needed to recover, and readied for the day. After all his tasks were complete, Arnav headed down to the dining room. As he rolled up the sleeves of his button down, he entered the dining room, finding the rest of his family, most of the seats taken, the one at the head of the table open.

Arnav took his seat at the head of the table. "Good morning everyone."

"Good morning," they all replied.

The servants entered the room and placed food on the table. The family waited for Arnav to fill his plate first before filling their own. As Arnav ate, he glanced at his father, Aryan, sitting to his right. His mother, Shalini, sat beside his father and when she caught his glance, the two smiled at each other. Beside her was his eldest chacha, Vikram, his wife Amoli sitting beside him. His youngest chacha, Kabir, sat beside her, his youngest Chachi, Amoli, sitting beside him. Akash and NK sat to his left, while his Deeda, Deviyani, sat at the opposite end. Many seats were empty, as the table was very big. One seat should have been filled, Arnav's sister Anjali usually by his side, but she was away at a friend's.

I wonder if she's hot, Arnav said in his head.

"Do you know what you're scheduled for today," Aryan asked him, taking him out of his thoughts.

"I'm checking out the fields and mills. Akash and NK will accompany me."

"Could you pick up Anjali on your way back," Shalini asked.

"Of course Ma."

Arnav and the boys headed out once breakfast was complete and checked out the wheat fields. Production was going smoothly and when they checked in on the mills, all the machines were running fine. The task didn't take as long for them to complete, so the boys went to pick up their sister.

"You think Di's gonna get married soon," NK asked.

"Most likely. Lucky her that things don't run exactly the same way as they used to," Akash said

"Tell me about it. I mean I can't believe my mother got married and had me at 12. If that were me, I'd freak!"

"Regardless of things changing or not, she's my sister," Arnav said, typing on his phone. "There's no way I'm just gonna let her get married to just anyone, that too at a young age."

"Well she isn't just anyone, but a Raizada, which got her lucky. Otherwise she'd be like the rest of the town, marrying at 10," Akash said.

"No kidding," NK said as he saw a 16 year old girl walking past, her parting filled with vermilion, with a kid at her waist.

The driver drove through parted gates, pulling up to a grand home on the rich side of town. Shalini had called Anjali ahead of notice, so Anjali and her friend had been waiting outside.

"Check her out," NK said.

Both Arnav and Akash looked at Anjali's friend. She had mid-length brown hair and brown eyes. She seemed to be average height, her curves quite clear.

"Check out that ass," Akash groaned.

The driver came out and opened the door for the men.

"Chote," Anjali beamed as she ran towards Arnav for a hug.

Arnav hugged his older sister back and glanced at his sister's friend. She was glancing at him, looking him up and down. Their eyes met and Anjali pulled back.

"Chote, this is my friend Kavya. Kavya, this is my brother, Arnav."

Kavya stepped forward. "It's so nice to meet the Lord of the Land."

"The pleasure is mine," Arnav smiled slightly.

"And these are my cousins Akash and NK," Anjali smiled.

The two nodded and so did Kavya.

Anjali turned to Kavya. "We're going to Leena's party tonight," she admonished.

"But Anjali-"

"We're going. You can't let her bitch you around!"

"I get that but-"

"But nothing!"

Kavya opened her mouth to speak, but the men's chuckling stopped her.

"Trust me, once she makes her mind up, there's no stopping her," Arnav said.

"No kidding," Kavya frowned.

"We're going," Anjali said sternly.

"Alright, alright! We'll go to her stupid party."

Anjali grinned and hugged her. "We'll show that bitch her spot."

Arnav cocked his eyebrow. "What did she ever do to you?"

Anjali waved it off, feeling no need to tell him. Instead she bid her farewell and they headed to the car. Arnav looked at Kavya before he turned away and she eyed him as he went inside the car. When the car pulled away, Anjali bounced in her seat with anticipation, excited for the party. At first the boys thought of asking her what was up, but decided not to know her evil plot.

"What time's the party," Akash asked.

"Oh no, you guys are not going to this party."

"What? Why not?"

"Because its a lingerie-themed party, and there is no need for you three to be there."

"Are you kidding me," NK exclaimed. "That's exactly why we have to go."

Anjali frowned. "No."


"There is no way you guys are going!"

"And why not," Akash asked.

"Cause its odd! My bros and I at a lingerie party? Uh, no!"

"You said it was that Leena chick's party. Her dad's like stinking rich and her place is huge. We'd never even see each other."


"Oh come on Di. Plus I've never been to one. None of us have."

NK nodded with a pout.

"Gee, I wonder why? Could it be because you guys are big flirts, never call back, just have a booty call, or forget that the girl ever existed in the first place?"

The three frowned at her.

"So many options to choose from," she squinted.

Arnav rolled his eyes. "You won't see us and we won't see you. 'Kay?"

Anjali scowled at him, but Arnav's face remained serious, never breaking his eye contact.

"Ugh! Fine! But we are not going together!"

"Deal," the three replied.