Monday, September 24, 2012

Chapter Sixteen

"Wow," was all Khushi could say.

She walked around the room, loving every bit of it.

"It's beautiful," Khushi gushed.

"Yeah. The place is great."

The room was huge, practically the size of a small apartment. There was a huge walk in closet, a huge bed, and the bathroom was the size of a regular room, with a huge jacuzzi and walk in shower, more closet space on the side.

Arnav sat down on a sofa. "Well I'm tired."

"No kidding," and Khushi sat down on the bed and grabbed her bag.

"What you doing?"

"I'm about to take a shower," she said, heading towards the bathroom.

"Can I join you?"

Khushi looked him straight in the eyes. "No."

She turned away and left to the bathroom. Arnav just shrugged, knowing that she was still mad about earlier. Not long later, Khushi came out, holding onto a white towel. Arnav couldn't help but gaze away at her. Khushi was fixing her hair and noticed Arnav staring.

"Don't forget to blink," Khushi joked.

Arnav rolled his eyes and got up and approached Khushi. "I'm gonna take a shower now. I hope there's another towel, otherwise," and he placed a hand over her's, which she was using to hold the towel.

Khushi pushed his hand away. "Don't worry. There's three more. Use 'em all if you need to."

Arnav just smirked and went to the bathroom. Once Khushi heard the sound of water pouring down, Khushi crossed her arms.

"This guy is unbelievable," Khushi said aloud, sighing.

She went over to her bags and went through it to find her clothes when her eyes caught on the bag Anjali took.

I wonder what Di put in it, Khushi thought.

She opened up the bag and got shocked at what she found. On top there was a note from Anjali.

>Since it's your honeymoon, you're going to need these. Trust me, it'll be worth it.<

Khushi took out the kinky clothes and gaped at them. There was a bottom part to the note and she looked at it.

>PS:I know, it's gross in a way that I'm helping out but I couldn't help myself when I saw these in stores and I knew I had to get them for you.

PPS: I heard what Chote said to you in the morning (couldn't help myself), so prove him wrong (he's very obnoxious).<

"Obnoxious indeed," Khushi said aloud to herself.

The whole bag was filled with those clothes and Khushi sighed.

"Really Di? You had to do this?"

Khushi sighed and placed all the clothes down and looked at them. One caught her eyes and she couldn't help herself but pick it up and put it against her and look at her reflection in the mirror.

"It's so cute," she gushed.

Khushi liked it and loved how she was looking in it.

"Fine then. I guess it won't hurt to wear this," and she headed for the closet, grabbing everything else with her to put them away.

Arnav came out a few minutes later, a towel wrapped, and he went through his bags and found a t-shirt and pjs. He turned to put his bags away in the closet when the doors opened. Arnav gaped away at Khushi, Khushi having a confident look on her face. Her outfit was white, with black flower prints, slightly puffy at the bottom, only going down to the height of booty shorts. She approached towards Arnav slowly and Arnav was still stuck.

"What were those three things you said earlier," Khushi asked.

"U-um," he hesitated, staring right her cleavage, displayed crystal clear. "A-a l-lady in the public."

"A chef in the kitchen…."

"And… and a-"

Arnav stopped because Khushi was right in front of his face.

"And what," Khushi asked, looking him in the eyes and at his lips.

"A-and a…."

Khushi pulled on Arnav's towel and it came right off.

"What the-"

"Ssh," she said into his ear. "Please Arnav, not today," and she nibbled a bit on his ear.

"I didn't know you owned clothes like this."

Khushi looked at him. "Well now you do," and she gave him a seductive kiss.

Arnav remained frozen a bit by her actions but then realized that he knew from the start that she would do something, knowing Khushi. He had this planned out from the start. He knew Khushi would mind at first but being the way she is, she would definitely do something about it and he was happy she did.

Arnav kissed her back and the two were stuck in lip-lock. He couldn't get enough of her and she couldn't get enough of him and both pulled on each other, wanting the other very close to them, practically becoming a part of them.

Arnav lost full control of himself and could only think about the taste of her flesh. Khushi let go first, trying to catch her breath, while Arnav nibbled away on her neck. He sucked on her flesh and Khushi loved the feeling.

"The things you do to me," Khushi sighed.

Arnav looked up. "You know you like it."

"But do you know what I love?"

"Yeah. Me," and he kissed her.

Khushi let go first. "Obnoxious much. But yes, I love you. But there's something else."

"And what's that?"

Khushi smirked. "Being in bed with you, of course."

Arnav just gave her a look and then held her hand and led her to the bed. He made her lie down and went on top of her. The way he was gazing down at her Khushi couldn't help but blush and turn away. Arnav made her face him and stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. Khushi caressed his face in her hands and Arnav tilted his head a bit and kissed her hand.

"I love you Khushi," he whispered.

"I love you too," she whispered back.

Both gazed away at each other for a moment and then kissed for who knows how long. They were in an unbreakable lip-lock, pulling at each other to get them closer. Arnav let go first and moved to her neck and Khushi had her fingers through his hair. Arnav loved how she tugged on his hair every now and then and acted really passionately.

Khushi tugged on his hair. "Arnav, you're going to drive me insane by the end of this trip."

Arnav looked up. "Not anything else?"

"You're gonna make me crazy for you!"

Arnav smirked. "That's the plan," and he kissed her again.

Khushi didn't exactly understand what he meant and was a bit confused. She felt him bite into her flesh and she tugged on his hair and pushed him off and sat on him.

"What do you mean," Khushi asked.

"Instead of telling you, I'll show you," and he pulled Khushi back in and kissed her.

Khushi got to caught up and felt herself getting crazy. Arnav reached to the bottom of her dress and put his hands underneath and picked it up. Khushi got rid of it and tossed it aside and kissed him. Arnav had his hands go around all over her body, feeling every bit of it, and Khushi moaned from his touch, feeling sparks shoot up her.

"I can't take the teases any longer," Khushi exhaled.

"Why? Don't like it when I do this," and he squeezed her boobs. "Or this," and he moved his hand down to her lower region.

"I love it! But I want you."

"Fine then."

Arnav pulled Khushi in and both kissed insanely. Khushi felt Arnav remove a hand off her body and got confused.

"What are you doing," Khushi asked when she let go.

"What do you think I'm doing?"

"I think you just moved a hand away and now you're ruining my pleasure."

"Oh please."

Arnav kissed Khushi, but she just wasn't into the kiss. While Arnav had his eyes shut Khushi had her eyes open and her eyebrows scrunched. Khushi could feel his hands moving and got curious about what he was doing.

She let go first and caught on her breath, although she didn't have to. "What are you doing?"


"What's in your hands?"

"What? You mean this," he asked, holding a condom.

"Yeah, that. What is that?"

"… a condom…?"

"A what?"

"… condom…?"

"What's that?"

"You don't know what a condom is?"

"… no."

"Are you serious," he smiled.

"Shut up and explain!"

"Alright! We use condoms so that you don't get pregnant."


"Yeah. Didn't you realize?"

"I thought I had problems. I mean, we've had sex numerous times, I thought… thank goodness. But why?"

"Oh come on Khushi. Do you want to be a mother right now or would you like to spend time with me?" There was a dangerous gleam in his eyes.

"Well… I guess. But you've been using this all this time?"

"Not the same one. You use them and then throw it out. And yes I've been using them all this time. What, you never realized?"


Arnav smirked. "Looks like someone gets too caught up."

Khushi frowned. "Stop making fun of me."

"Don't like my teases?"

"Not these teases."

Arnav understood what she meant and kissed her. He leaned his forehead on her's.

"Are you done putting that thing on," Khushi whispered.

"Yeah, why?"

"Cause I want to feel you in me."

"No problem."

Arnav and Khushi kissed, going insane by the minute. Khushi pushed him off and sat on top of him, Arnav sitting up as well. He was kissing her all over her body and Khushi thought she was going to explode.

"Arnav… please stop."

Arnav knew that by doing this, she would reach her peak and that was exactly what he was planning on. As much as Khushi was being irritated she loved the feeling of his lips moving all over her body. She gripped on to his shoulders every now and then, feeling his nips here and there.

Khushi was about to reach her level and Arnav wasn't stopping now. "Arnav…."

Almost there, Arnav said in his head. In 3… 2… 1-

Khushi pushed Arnav back and Arnav laid flat and Khushi made him enter her. She sighed in relief and looked down at Arnav. Arnav saw a dangerous, sexy gleam in her eyes and looked away at her.

Khushi moved up and down slowly, acting seductive, and then leaned in to kiss Arnav. He kissed her back, both insanely kissing each other. Khushi still moved as she kissed him and Arnav moved his hands from her face, slowly down her body, sending sparks through Khushi and making her act faster. Arnav let go first and Khushi went harder at it.


Khushi loved how he moaned out her name and went faster. "Arnav…."

Khushi was going really hard and Arnav felt his heart rate going up insanely. He put his hands through his hair. "Khushi… don't stop…."

Khushi wasn't planning on it anytime soon. She was going harder and Arnav was loving it. She leaned in again and kissed him, trailing down to his neck and kissing it and nipping it.

"Aaah! Arnav… this feels way better… than last time."

"It does…. Now move faster…."

Khushi did and both had pressure waving down at them.

"Aaah! Arnav!"

"Khushi don't stop… move and moan out. Come on me!"

Khushi was going crazy, moving and getting wetter. Arnav sat up and both kissed, touching each other, Khushi still moving.

"Ooh! This feel too good," Khushi exclaimed.

"Baby, don't stop…. You're just too good…."

Khushi nodded and moved.

"Go faster, baby.…. Go harder…."

Khushi was going faster. "Aah! …Aah! …Aah! …AAH!"

"That's right baby…. Moan out from your orgasms…. Go harder!"

Khushi went faster and faster, moving up and down, one arm around Arnav's neck and he kissed her, moving his hands all over her body. She pushed him back and pinned his hands up above his head and kissed him and continued to go hard.

"Aah! Aah! Fucking you feels sooooo good," Khushi exclaimed.

"Fuck harder Khushi… fuck harder."

Khushi moved faster and harder. There was no stopping Khushi now. She was now a sex maniac, having multiple orgasms and being a whore.

"I wanna fuck you Arnav… I wanna fuck you all day… all night… letting you go in and out of me…."

Khushi smacked her lips on his and kissed him insanely. "Aah!" She moved faster. "Aaah!". Khushi just kept going faster.

"Fuck Khushi, fuck…. Moan!"

Khushi moved with no control. "Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah! AAAAHH!!!"

Arnav couldn't take it anymore and tossed her over and pinned her back. "There's no stopping me now."

Arnav moved in and out of her and Khushi was having multiple orgasms. She was going crazy! Arnav went harder and he couldn't control himself.

"I'm going to fuck you crazy," Arnav said.

"Fuck me Arnav, fuck me. Aah!"

Arnav went all the way and his brain had shut down. The only thing he could think of was fucking Khushi. Khushi clutched onto her pillow, unable to control every bit of it.

"Aaah! Arnav!"


Khushi's grip tightened and she thought she was going to loose it. "Arnav! Aah!"

Arnav had no control and went in and out of her crazily. He moved his hands up to her's and put his fingers through her's. They clenched onto each others hands and Arnav went really hard.

"Arnav… ah!"


"Arnav! Please… aah!"


Arnav stopped and both looked at each other, gasping for air. Khushi chest heaved as she caught on her's. Arnav came off of her and laid back catching up on his breath. He looked over to Khushi and she turned over to him and laid her head on his chest.

"That felt really good," Khushi murmured in his chest.

"It felt amazing."

Arnav felt Khushi shivering and pulled the duvet over them and he held her closely, wounding his hands around her. Khushi snuggled into him and smiled into his chest.

"I love you, Arnav."

"I love you too, Khushi."

Khushi looked up at him and Arnav gave her kiss and both eventually fell asleep.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Chapter Fifteen

The next morning, Khushi got up bright and early. She couldn't help but look at Arnav, first thing. She knew she had work to do but she couldn't help herself. Within a few minutes, Arnav woke up and smiled at the sight of Khushi.

"Morning," Khushi whispered.

"Morning," and Khushi rested her head on his chest.

Khushi snuggled into Arnav and traced Arnav's chest.

"Is something wrong," Arnav asked.

"No. In fact everything is great."


Khushi sensed something in his words and looked up at Arnav. "I'm fine but what about you?"

"Oh… nothing," and he let out a sigh.

"You're being dramatic!" Khushi sat up. "Tell me!"

"It's nothing. Besides, there's no point in saying anything cause you might just get mad," and he got out of bed.

"That's not true," Khushi cried out, crossing her arms. "Tell me!"

Arnav lightly smirked, and then removed it off his face and faced Khushi. "Fine. You wanna know? I'll tell you. You don't have all the qualities of a wife."

"Excuse me?!"

"Thats exactly what I'm talking about."

Arnav was about to turn away when Khushi yelled out. "Okay! I won't get mad! But what are you talking about?"

"There's three things to a wife Khushi."

"And what's that," Khushi asked, shrugging.

Arnav pointed a finger up as he listed them. "A lady to the public, a chef in the kitchen, and a whore in bed."

"Excuse me?"

"Yup. You are the first two in the beginning but not the last one."

Khushi was about to say something but Arnav cut her off.

"You used to be it before we were married. Guess I should've brought you in bed more often back then. You're just not as, how should I say this… active, as you used to be. You're just not the same," he shrugged and he went into the bathroom.

Khushi's jaw had dropped and she couldn't believe what he had said. She fumed a bit but then decided not to let his words bother her. Both eventually got ready and Khushi headed downstairs getting breakfast ready.

Everyone arrived at the table except for Anjali.

"Amma," Khushi said, "where's Di?"

"She should be coming soon sweetheart."

And just as she said that, Anjali came in.

"Mission successful," Anjali smiled.

"What mission Di," Arnav asked.

"Your honeymoon."

"What," Khushi asked.

"Your. Honeymoon."


"Oh good," Anannya said, "do you have the room booked?"

"Room," Khushi asked.

"Of course sweetheart. You and Chote are going away to the city for a while for your honeymoon."


"Oh Khushiji, it's a beautiful place," Anjali squealed.


"Khushi betiyan," Dadi said, "you both have recently gotten married."


"You both have to go! It's your honeymoon," Nani said.


"We'll go," Arnav said.

"Really," Anjali asked, cocking an eyebrow, suspicious of his reply.

"Yeah. I could use a break from you."


"Now Di, hay is for horses."

Anjali twitched her mouth and looked away and Arnav smiled. Khushi liked the sight of his smile. After all, Arnav rarely smiled since he was to busy being "Malik".

"Whatever," Anjali said.

"Well if you two are done," Anannya said, "how about you two start packing."

Arnav and Khushi nodded and went up to their room to pack. In the middle of packing, Arnav got a call and stepped out of the room and Anjali slipped in.

"Di, aap," Khushi questioned.

"There's something I gotta give you."


Anjali grabbed one of Khushi's bags. "You'll see," and she left the room, taking the bag.

"Di," Khushi called out. She went to the door and was about to follow Anjali when Arnav came back.

"Hey," Arnav smiled, blocking Khushi's path.

Khushi rolled her eyes and turned away on her heels. Arnav found her actions cute and went over to Khushi and held her around the waist.

"If I'm not mistaken," Arnav said, "you're missing a bag."

"Well you're correct," Khushi said with some attitude, shoving in some clothes into her bag.

"Ouch. Being a bit rough, are we?"

Khushi rolled her eyes and couldn't help but get pissed.

Not as I used to be, huh, Khushi said to herself in her head. I'll show you!

Arnav noticed her tensing up and knew what she was thinking about. He was about to say something when Anjali came in.

"Ugh, please, get a room," Anjali said.

"Di, we are," Arnav said, letting go of Khushi, turning his head a bit.

"Well then shut the door next time. Khushiji," she walked over to Khushi, "here you go," she said, holding the bag out.

"What's in this," Khushi asked.

Anjali whispered in Khushi's ears. "You'll see. Well, Chote will see. You'll have him speechless." She moved away and she winked.

Khushi was confused but before she could say anything, Anjali walked out of their room.

"Now then," Arnav said, "where was I?"

He was about to move back in to Khushi when Anjali came in again.

"You guys should head out now," Anjali said, poking her head in and then she left.

Arnav let out a deep sigh. "Well then, guess I'll have to continue later," and he grabbed some bags and left.

All the bags were eventually brought down and Arnav and Khushi left off for the city. During the drive, Arnav noticed that Khushi seemed a bit lost.


"Hm?" She was still zoned off.


"Yeah," she said, snapping out of it.

"We'll be in the city in about an hour."


He nodded.

"Oh… okay."

"What's wrong?"


"Yeah right. Your face crystal clear says your not. Tell me."

"Well… to be honest… I'm nervous."

"About what?"

"Well, it's the first time I'll be in the city."


"So what if I don't fit in?"

"Khushi, the city is about standing out, not fitting in. It isn't our town that people will judge you for your taste."


"Khushi relax. In the city, no one knows you but me. In our town, everyone knows you as "Malkeen". Understood?"

"I guess."

About an hour later, they arrived in the city and Khushi gazed away at the tall buildings and the people.

"I don't believe it," Khushi said, gazing away at all the buildings.

"Just wait for it."

"For what?"

"You'll see in 3… 2… 1."

The buildings lit up and Khushi was stunned.

"Oh my gosh," Khushi squealed. "This is amazing!"

"It really is."

Khushi glanced at Arnav from the corner of her eyes. I'll show you what's amazing, Khushi said in her head.

They arrived to the hotel and while Arnav checked them in, Khushi looked around the lobby in amazement.

"Ready," Arnav asked.

"Huh? Oh, yeah."

The bellboy guided them up to their room, all the way up at the top floor, in the presidential suite.

"Presidential suite," Khushi questioned.

"The family thought too big of this," Arnav said.

The bellboy swiped the card to their room and put their bags in while Arnav and Khushi looked around.

"Oh my gosh," Khushi said. "We're so high up! And the view is fantastic!"

Arnav went over to her side. "It really is."

All their bags were put in their room and Arnav tipped the bellboy and led him out and locked the door.

"Ready to see our room," Arnav asked.

"Sure," and Arnav led them to their room.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Chapter Fourteen

"A-A-Arnavji, please," Khushi stammered, "please let me go."

"Not until you say my name, without all the formalities."

"Can't we discuss this later? Di's coming this way!"

"Oh? Is she?"

"Yes! Didn't you hear? She said she's going to her room!"

"Well then… I suggest Khushi that you quickly do as I said otherwise…."

"Otherwise what?"

"Di will see me doing this," and he nibbled on her neck.

Khushi's grip tightened. "Please! I beg you!"

Arnav looked up. "Khushi it's a very simple thing. So just do it."

Anjali's footsteps got louder.

"Arnav, please let go of me," Khushi begged.



Arnav put his hand over her mouth and pulled her to the side. Khushi's eyes were wide, as she stared at Arnav, but he was paying no attention. He was looking down the hall and Khushi looked over as well. Anjal passed the hall and was out of sight.

Khushi pushed Arnav's hand away. "How come she didn't come this way?"

Arnav simply smirked.

Khushi thought about it for a minute. "Wait a second! Di's room isn't down this hall! It's down the next-" Khushi placed her hands on her hips. "Why you son of a-" Khushi stopped herself and turned away and crossed her arms.

Arnav put his arms around her waist. "Are you mad at me?"

"What do you think, Sherlock?"

"I don't think I'll need Sherlock's opinion but…" and Arnav nuzzled his chin on her shoulder, "I think I know how to make it up to you."

Khushi turned her head and looked at him. "And how will you do that?"

Arnav smirked a sexy smirk. He let go of her and swooped down to pick her up. Khushi placed her arms around his neck and Arnav walked to their room.

As Arnav shut the doors with his feet; Khush sighed. "Ah… now I get it," Khushi joked.

Arnav put her down and crossed his arms.

Khush looked side to side. "What," she shrugged.

"It would be much easier if you removed all those safety pins," he pointed.

"You know, you're really smart. At least, my sari will be safe and not torn."

"Thank you," he nodded.

Khushi removed some safety pins. "You know, I don't get it. How come in movies, tv, books, etc, they make it seem so easy? I mean it's not like as if one pull easily does it, right?"

"Yeah… unless your Vidya Balan."

"… who?"

"Vidya Balan? You know, the girl from "The Dirty Picture"?"

"… huh?"

"You must be kidding me."

"Hey! Not my fault if I'm some villager and never been to the cities!"

"Okay! Sorry! But you don't need to be in the city to watch a movie. Anyways forget it. Are you done yet?"

"With what?"

"Taking all the pins out."

"Oh! Yeah why?"

"So I can show you a part they showed in the movie."

"And that would be…?"

Arnav grabbed the pallu of her sari and pulled on it hard, making Khushi spin, revealing herself.

Khushi's jaw dropped. "What kind of movies do you watch?!"

But Arnav didn't reply and tugged on it, having the whole sari in his hands. Khushi turned away and covered her chest with her arms. Arnav placed the sari down and approached her. He pulled on the string of her blouse and unclipped the little clip that held only an inch of cloth (yes, her back was that much revealed). He pulled on the string of the petticoat and it fell to the floor, revealing Khushi's natural glory.

Arnav leaned in, her back against his chest, and he placed his hands over her's, on her shoulders. "I must say," he whispered in her ear, "you really, truly…" he eyed her a bit, "are sexy, Mrs. Raizada," he whispered, brushing his lips on her ear.

Khushi blushed and smiled. She liked his little flirtatious game. "That's Malkeen to you, sir," she slightly smirked.

Arnav went in front of her and pulled on her waist, making their bodies mesh. "Is that so?"

"Yes," she smirked, and she pushed forward, making Arnav stumble back on the bed.

Khushi sat on top of him, still covering herself. She smirked at Arnav and Arnav sighed.

"You're such a tease, Malkeen," Arnav said.

"Tell me something I don't know."

Arnav smiled. "Come here Khushi, I want you."

Khushi shrugged. "Not in the mood."

"Oh? Well… that's not good, is it?"

Khushi shook her head.

"Then tell me, Malkeen, what do I need to do to fix your mood?"

"Um… i know. Satisfy me."

"Satisfy you?"

"Uh huh. Show me that you're worth all this," she said, eyeing down at her body. "Satisfy me… and I'm all yours."

He turned her over and came on top of her. "Fine then… I'll try that. But what if I don't satisfy you?"

"Then you can't have me… for a week."

"A week?! What the-"

"You heard me."

"Khushi, that's wrong. … then forget it."

"What? But-"

Arnav got off of her and sat the other way, facing his back towards her. He was fixing his cuffs when Khushi put her arms through his. Her breasts were meshed to his back and Arnav knew she had gotten rid of her blouse.

Khushi moved to his ear. "You have that much faith in yourself," she whispered.

"Shut up Khushi."

"What," she asked innocently. "I'm just saying," and she nipped at his ear.

"You're evil."

"And you're not?"

Arnav remained quite for a moment. He moved Khushi's hands away and turned to face her. Khushi just looked at him, confused, and Arnav caressed her face with his hand.

"I hurt you a lot, didn't I," he asked, his voice low.

Khushi held his hand. "Don't even think about it."

"Khushi I-"

Khushi placed a finger on his lip. "Don't."

Khushi could tell that he wasn't going to let this go she quickly covered his lips with her's and tilted his face up at her's and she kissed him possessively. Arnav got caught of guard and he forgot about everything else and kissed her back. Khushi let go first to catch her breath and Arnav moved down and kissed her body. He bit into her neck and Khushi tugged on his hair. Arnav looked up and Khushi covered his lips with her's, again.

When she let go, she spoke. "I don't want you to ever think about that again."

"But Khushi-"

"Please. Don't make me beg-"

"Fine. If you say so, then I won't."

"Thank you," and she hugged him, resting her head on his.

"I love you Khushi," Arnav said, holding her tight.

"I love you too," she said into his hair.

Khushi tilted his face up and kissed him on the cheeks, chin, and forehead. Her lips hovered above his and all Arnav could think about was the taste of her plump lips. He caressed her face and pulled her in and gave her a long kiss, sucking away on her lips. He turned her over and laid her flat down and continued to kiss her, Khushi unbuttoning his shirt.

Arnav came back up and got rid of his shirt and Khushi pulled him back in, unable to resist him. Both ran out of breath and were gasping for air. Arnav looked down at Khushi, as her chest heaved up and down. Khushi placed her hands on his chest and traced it with her fingers. She looked back up at Arnav and both were stuck gazing at each other.

Outside, it was raining heavily and at the sound of thunder, Khushi held onto Arnav tightly. She had her eyes tightly shut and her fingers dug into Arnav's shoulders.

"Khushi, relax. It's just thunder," he whispered into her ear, stroking her hair.

"I-I'm scared of it," she whispered.

Arnav looked up at her. "You don't have to be scared of anything, anymore. I'll always be by your side, never letting any harm happen to you."

Khushi was touched by his words. She never thought that anyone in the world would ever care this much for her. Arnav saw the tears form in her eyes and he didn't want her to cry. He kissed her cheeks, chin, forehead, and her eyes.

"I don't want to see you cry, ever again," Arnav said. "Understood?"

Khushi nodded and hugged him again tightly. He kissed her hair and then moved down and kissed her on her lips again. That night, neither let go of the other.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Chapter Thirteen

Khushi woke up bright and early. She squinted as the sunlight shined into the room. Once she adjusted, she realized that this wasn't her room. She felt a weight on her and looked down at her waist and saw an arm. Khushi turned and saw Arnav's face and sighed in relief and relaxed. Everything that had happened the night before was all real, and not a dream.

Khushi carefully removed Arnav's hand off and got out of bed. She looked back at Arnav, who was faintly smiling. She looked up at the clock and saw that it was 7 in the morning. She decided to let him sleep and Khushi went through the wardrobe, that was already filled with her clothes (they brought them when they brought Khushi and the maids quickly put them away before Arnav and Khushi came in), and she grabbed a red sari and headed to the bathroom.

Within a little more than half an hour, Khushi got out and saw that Arnav was still sleeping. He was hugging a pillow and Khushi smiled, thinking how he looked so cute. She turned to face the mirror and dried her hair and got ready. Khushi picked up her pot of sindoor and opened it up. She was about to take a pinch when two fingers came in her way. Khushi turned and saw Arnav and before she could say anything, Arnav stroked his fingers through her parting, Khushi shutting her eyes. She opened them up and smiled at Arnav and gave him a hug.

"You don't know how much this means to me," Khushi said.

Arnav kissed the top of her head and caressed her face. Khushi held his hands and the two were stuck gazing at each other until Khushi realized and looked away.

"Go get ready," Khushi said.

"What? Now? But let me look at you-"

"Go! You can look at me later," and she pushed him into the bathroom.

She turned to leave when Arnav spoke.

"I love you Khushi."

Khushi smiled and faced him. "I love you too," and she blew him a kiss.

Arnav pretended to catch it and placed his hand over his heart. Khushi smiled and left the room and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

"Malkeen, aap," a maid questioned.

"Um, yeah… so what's for breakfast?"

The maid gave a whole menu and Khushi widened her eyes.

"All that food? For only a few people? Wow! Well then, better get to work."

Khushi tucked her pallu in and started to work.

"Malkeen, what are you doing," the maid asked.

"… working?"

"But why? We're all here, we'll handle it."

"It's okay. Plus I'm used to all the work so no point in arguing. Also, could you help me out a bit? The thing is, I'm new so I don't know where everything is so… yeah…."

"No problem Malkeen."

They got down to work and soon the Raizadas came into the dining room. First came in Dadi and Nani. Arbaz and Anannya came in next, followed by Anjali. There was no sign of Arnav and Khushi wondered. She went over to Dadi and Nani and took blessings from them and then she took blessings from Arbaz and Anannya.

"Bahu," Anannya said, "come sit."

Khushi nodded and sat down across Anannya.

"Khushiji," Anjali said, "Chote kahan hain?"

"Um… voh-"

"Lo, aagaye," Anannya said.

Arnav came in and took blessings from Dadi, Nani, and his parents. He went and sat beside Khushi and passed Khushi a sly glance. He looked Khushi up and down, admiring how beautiful Khushi looked in her red sari. He looked away before anyone noticed and the maids came in with all the food.

"Hmm," Arbaz said, taking in a whif of the food, "smells really good."

"It really does," Anannya said.

Everyone got their food in their thaal and Khushi watched as everyone else took a bite. Everyone's eyes widened and Khushi got nervous.

"Nandini," Arbaz called a maid, "who cooked today?"

Khushi gulped.

"Raizada Sab," Nandini said, "um-"

"I don't think I've ever tasted food this good," Anannya exclaimed.

Khushi widened her eyes.

"Honestly," Dadi said, "it's just too good!"

"Whoever cooked this," Nani said, "has magic."

"Naniji," Nandini said, "it was all Malkeen. She made everything."

Everyone looked at Khushi.

"Khushiji… aap," Anjali asked.

Khushi nodded timidly.

"But why," Anannya asked. "There are so many maids and cooks and even me. You didn't have to do all this."

"Voh, actually… I'm just used to working."

"Of course… after all the things Garima did to you," Anannya said, anger in her voice.

"Amma please. Don't think about it."

"You're right."

"Tell me bahu," Arbaz said, "where did you learn to cook like this?"

"My mother taught Moni and Moni taught me."

"I knew there was something familiar," Nani said.

"Agreed," Dadi said. "The taste seemed familiar, I just couldn't put my finger on it."

"Well then, shall we finish eating," Arbaz asked, "cause I wanna eat."

"Of course."

Everyone ate till their stomachs were full.

"I don't think I'll be eating till dinner," Arbaz joked.

"Will you eat if I cook," Khushi asked.

Arbaz smiled. "You read my mind. As long as it's no pressure-"

"No Babuji, it's okay. It'll be no trouble at all."

"Well then I'll see you in the evening," and he got up and left for work.

Dadi and Nani finished up and praised Khushi's food and then left to their rooms. Anannya finished up and she told Khushi she'd back in a few minutes and excused herself. Anjali finished up and went to her room to hey ready and head outside and hang out with her friends.

Khushi got up and took their taals and put them in the kitchen to be washed. She came back out to get Arnav's and saw that he was to busy licking his fingers. Khushi was overwhelmed to know that he loved her cooking this much. She walked over to him and saw that he had practically licked his taal clean. Khushi picked it up and turned to walk away but Arnav reached out and grabbed her other hand.


She turned her head a bit. "Ji?"

Arnav stood up and pulled on her hand and she spun and faced him. He pulled her in by the waist and Khushi's eyes widened.

"What are you doing," Khushi whispered, squirming to set herself free. "Someone will see us."

"Let them."

Khushi looked around desperately. "Arnavji please!"


Arnav stopped, hearing footsteps.


It was his mother and Arnav let go of her. She came into the room and scrunched her eyebrows at him.

"Chote? Tum abhi bhi yahan?"

"Voh… it's nothing. … l should go now. I have work to do."

He glanced at Khushi and then left. Khushi was relieved and Anannya walked over to her.

"Bahu, come. Let me show the entire house."

Khushi nodded.

"Nadiya," Anannya called out a maid, "take this taal!"

A maid came out and took the taal from Khushi and Anannya took Khushi to the main hall. She took Khushi around the whole house, showing every corner of it. They last went into Anannya and Arbaz's room

"This house is huge," Khushi said as her and Anannya sat down on her bed.

"It really is. You know, when I first cane to this house, I thought I was going to faint. Baavdi hogayti maine, ha!"

"I wouldn't blame you. Itna bara ghar… but only for a few people?"

"Now there is. Before there was a lot of people."


"Uh huh. I never saw them but your father-in-law did. My father-in-law was the oldest in the family. He had 5 other brothers and 6 sisters."


"I know. But wanna know something?"


"Maji said that her mother-in-law and her father-in-law got married behind their parents backs."


"Yes! They were really close friends when they were little - they were family friends - and in time that friendship turned into love and they were afraid to say anything so they got married."

"How romantic!"

"It really is. But… after a while, their parents wanted them to get married, and since they already were, they were more than happy."

"Wow! They were really lucky!"

"Uh huh."

"Vaise, Amma? How did you meet Babuji?"

"Same thing - we were family friends and in time we began to unlike each other. But unlike Maji's in-laws, we didn't marry behind our parents backs. Actually, our parents figured out, so… yeah."


"It's too bad this house isn't as full as it used to be. After my father died, Maji let my mother come stay with us, as well as my brother and his wife and son."

"Where are they?"

"They moved to the city. My brother is a business man and for him, it's easier staying in the city. That way he doesn't have to travel back and forth so much."

"Oh. So it's just you and your brother?"

"Another sister too. She lives in another country - her husband likes to travel a lot."

"Oh. Have you ever gone out of this town?"

"Many times."

"What's it like?"

"A lot different than our town. Why? You've never gone?"

Khushi simply shook her head.

"Well… the city is filled with people. Rich, poor, even middle class. But no one cares of their class over there whereas here, the rich squirm when they're near a poor. And the way they dress is beyond different, especially the girls. They wear clothes that are higher than their knees."

"What?! In public or…?"

"I'm public."

"Don't they feel ashamed?"

"Sweetie not every place is the same. To tell you the truth, I have worn clothes like that."

"You have?"

"Uh huh. Arbaz made me though, on our honeymoon."

"Oh," and Khushi slightly nudged her.

"Khushi betiyan! Anannya bahu!" It was Dadi.

"Let's go," Anannya said and she led them to Dadi's room.

"Maji, you called?"

"Uh huh. Remember those kangans I gave you? When you got married to Arbaz?"

"Yeah. I'll go get them."

Anannya left and cane back within a few minutes, a small chest in hands. She gave to Dadi and Dadi opened it up and showed Khushi the kangans.

"These are an old family treasure," Dadi said. "They've been passed down from generation to generation. And now, it's time they go to you, Khushi betiyan."

She handed them to Khushi and Khushi put them on.

"Thank you Dadi. I'll take really good care of these."

The day passed by, Khushi, Anannya, Dadi, and Nani talking away, soon Anjali joining them. It was almost time for Arbaz to come home so Khushi headed to the kitchen and began to make dinner. Arbaz came home within the hour and Arnav came in a while later. They washed up and everyone headed into the dining room, their food waiting for them.

"Oh my gosh," Anjali exclaimed. "It smells so good, my mouth is watering."

"I think I might start drooling," Arbaz said, eyeing the food.

Anannya laughed. "Before I have to ask a maid to clean up your saliva off the floor, please sit down."

"By all means," and everyone sat down.

Khushi came out of the kitchen and joined them. Everyone put food on their taal and Khushi watched as they took a bite.

Arbaz shut his eyes. "I'm in heaven."

Everyone laughed as Arbaz slowly chewed, savoring the flavor.

"Such bahu," Anannya said, "your food is just too good!"

"Thank you Amma," Khushi said. "I'm just glad you all like it."

Everyone finished up and got up and left to their rooms to get ready for bed, everyone but Khushi and Arnav. Arnav was taking his sweet time, eating away, and Khushi waited for him to finish so she could take his taal. Arnav finally finished and got up to wash his hands. Khushi headed to the kitchen and was washing the taal when a set of hands held her waist. Khushi jumped a bit and felt someones lips on her neck. She knew the from the feeling that it was Arnav and she sighed.

"You have no control, do you," Khushi asked.

"Nope," Arnav murmured into her neck.

"Let go, someone might see."

"Let them," and he bit down.

"Aah! Please let go-"

"Bahu!" It was Anannya.

Arnav let go and turned to the sound of his mother's voice. Khushi quickly washed up and pushed Arnav out of the way. Anannya was at the staircase and both went up to Anannya's room. She made Khushi sit on the bed, as she went through her wardrobe, looking for something. Anannya turned, a box in hand. She handed it to Khushi and Khushi looked at it in confusion and then back up at her.

"Open it," Anannya said.

Khushi did and inside the box were kangans.

"They're beautiful," Khushi said as she held them in her hands, looking at them.

"I saw them years ago and thought that I'd give it to my bahu, and well, here you go," she smiled.

Khushi hugged her. "Thank you so much Amma."

"Your welcome sweetheart. It's late, you should go to bed."

Khushi nodded and she got up and left. She walked down the halls, when out of nowhere, someone grabbed her hand and pulled her. Khushi was about to scream when a hand came in top of her mouth. She stared wide eyed and saw that it was Arnav.

Khushi pushed his hand away. "What are you doing," she whispered.

"What do you think I'm doing," he asked, pulling her in closer.

"Let go!"


Arnav ran his lips on her shoulder and Khushi clutched onto his arms.

"Please let go," Khushi begged.

But Arnav paid no attention. Khushi was about to ask again, when she heard footsteps.

"Arnavji, please let go of me! Someone's coming!"

Arnav looked up. "Not if you call me that?"


"Don't be so formal Khushi, I don't like it." He leaned in and whispered in her ear. "As for how you said my name last night…"

Khushi's eyes widened.

"… that was a lot better."

The sound of the footsteps got louder, which meant the person was getting closer.

"Nandini! Get me a cup of tea! I'll be in my room!" It was Anjali's voice.

Khushi swallowed. Oh no, she thought. Di's going to come this way if she's going to her room!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Chapter Twelve

*Some Bengali - translations in parentheses*

"Purnima," Anannya said, "what are you saying? She's older now and the truth is out so-"

"So she can't go like this," Purnima replied.


"She's going to her sasural! Khushi emon kore jaite parbena (Khushi can't go like this)! She has to be given away properly."

"Of course, of course!" Anannya sucked her teeth. "Don't scare me like that Purnima. You'll never change."

Purnima laughed. She took Khushi in and Khushi washed up and brought Khushi out, all dressed up in a lehenga and adorned with jewelry. Arnav gazed away at her and Khushi didn't dare to look up, all shy.

Purnima held a box in her hand and opened it up. "Malik, I've held onto this for a long time and have taken really good care of these."

Arnav looked in and took out a mangalsutra.

Anannya's eyes swelled with tears. "You held onto this?"

"Of course," Purnima replied. She turned to Arnav. "Malik, would you please?"

Arnav nodded and unhooked the necklace and placed it around Khushi's neck. Khushi felt a tickle on her neck and she looked up at Arnav, who was already gazing at her. Purnima took out the small pot of sindoor and Arnav took a pinch of it. He looked into Khushi's eyes and she stared back. As he placed the sindoor on her maang, Khushi kept her eyes shut, officially leaving her single life.

Purnima held a tray with rice and as Khushi left, she tossed handfuls of rice behind her. She sat in the car and they drove over to Raizada Estate and Khushi was happily welcomed into her new home. She knocked over the little pot with rice over and stepped into a pool of alta and stepped into her new home.

"There's just one thing left to do," Dadi said.

"And what's that," Anjali asked.

"We have a family tradition that when a man in our family gets married, he has to carry his newly wedded wife to their room."

"Really," Arnav asked.

"Of course," Arbaz said. "I did the same when I married your mother, kyun meri jaan," and he nudged Anannya lightly.

"Aap bhi na," Anannya blushed.

"Well then," Anjali said, and she went over to Arnav's side, "tradition is tradition Chote, and I know you don't-"

"Di, say no more," Arnav said and he swooped down and picked Khushi up.

Everyone clapped and Arnav looked down at his wife, who was holding onto him and staring into his eyes. Arnav went up the stairs and walked down the hall and into his room, shutting the french doors with his feet.

Arnav stood still and looked at Khushi. She looked away, anywhere but his face. Arnav put her down and Khushi turned away. He placed his hands on her waist and tried to nibble on her neck but Khushi moved his hands away and moved away. She tried to walk out of his grip but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her in. Arnav looked at her but Khushi looked away.

He scrunched his eyebrows. "Khushi?" He held her face. "What's wrong?"

Khushi moved his hands off her face. "Nothing."

"Then why are you acting like this?"

"Because I can. Got a problem with that?"

"Khushi please. Tell me. Everything is okay now and you're my wife-"

"Yeah right."

"Excuse me? Khushi we are now legally married and now you're my wife-"

"But I don't consider you my husband."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm nothing but your bitch, not your wife."

Khushi moved away and Arnav got mad and grabbed her wrist and placed her arm behind her, her facing him.

"Let go of me," Khushi said, keeping calm.

"No. Khushi forget I ever said that. That was before. Everything is different now."

Khushi raised an eyebrow.

"Really Khushi. Honest. I've realized that I love you," he said, cupping her face.

"Love? You? Since when did you learn how to crack jokes, Malik?"

"What? Khushi please, don't call me that, but by my name, and I'm serious-"

"As if!"

"Khushi what do I have to do prove to you that I've realized my mistake. I love you. I really, truly love you." Arnav got down on his knees. "And I will do anything to keep you happy. Even if I have to give up my-"

Khushi placed a hand over his lips. "Don't."

Arnav took her hands in his and held them tight. "Khushi, I love you. I love you more than anything and more than anyone in the world. In fact, you are my world."

Khushi couldn't help but smile. "A person serious like you can be this mushy?"

"Shut up. Don't ruin the moment."

Khushi laughed. Arnav liked seeing her laugh and he stood up and held her tight.

"I promise you Khushi, that I will do whatever it takes to keep a smile on your face. I will do anything, you name it."


He cupped her face and looked her straight in the eyes. "Anything."

Khushi held his hands and looked at him. From the look on her face, Arnav could tell she wanted to say something but Khushi didn't. She looked away and gave Arnav a tight hug. Arnav thought about it for a second and then understood.

Arnav tilted her face up and kissed her lightly on her lips. Khushi drew in a sharp breath and Arnav kissed her again. Khushi's lips parted, managing to break through her nervousness. Arnav kissed her nice, slow, and softly. Khushi liked the feeling and a small silent moan came from her throat. He moved to her cheek and kissed her. Khushi blushed and Arnav looked up and removed her dupatta off her head and released her hair from her bun. The sight of the sindoor gave Arnav a warm feeling, more than happy to know that Khushi was officially his and no one else's.

He looked back down at Khushi and cupped her face and came in for a kiss. Khushi parted her lips just as he came in and he kissed her softly. She clutched onto his vest, moving in closer to him. While Arnav explored her mouth and sucked on her tongue, he moved his hands away and held her by her waist. Khushi let out a small moan and her back arched forward from his touch.

Arnav went deeper with the kiss and Khushi got too caught up in it. He slipped his hand up her back and unzipped her top, all the way down. When Khushi felt his hands on her back, she broke away and turned away and held onto the bed post, catching her breath.

Arnav went to her side and whispered in her ear. "Do you trust me?"

Khushi's grip tightened and she drew in a sharp breath, shutting her eyes. Khushi loosened up and let out her breath and nodded. Arnav moved Khushi's hair aside and ran his fingers down her back and Khushi's grip tightened on the post. He moved it apart, fully exposing her back, and Khushi let go of the post and let it slip off and fall to the floor. Arnav unclasped the skirt and it fell to the floor, revealing Khushi's natural glory.

Arnav held Khushi around the waist and brushed his lips on her ear. "I love you Khushi," he whispered.

Khushi felt tingles run up her spine and she placed her hands on his and held them tight. Arnav looked around at her face and saw that she was smiling and that made him smile as well. He moved down to her neck and kissed her there. He moved on her shoulder and nibbled everywhere and then bit into her flesh, licking it to ease the pain, and then leaving a kiss.

Khushi loved the feeling and enjoyed every bit of it. She turned to face him and cupped his face in her hands and then leaned in and kissed him, nice and softly. It was a short kiss and she looked away, blushing. Arnav led her around the bed and made her lay down and came on top of her.

As Arnav came in to kiss her, Khushi held his face in her hands and Arnav kissed her passionately. As the kiss deepened, Khushi put her arms around his neck, not wanting any distance. She let go and caught up on her breath, her chest heaving up and down. Arnav moved to her neck and nibbled on it.

"I love you Khushi," he murmured, his lips brushing on her neck.

Khushi put her fingers through his hair and held him tight. Arnav moved to the other side of her neck and nibbled on it and then trailed back up to her lips.

"I love you Khushi," he murmured on her lips, his lips brushing on her's.

Khushi's lips parted and she reached up and kissed Arnav. She loved how he was admitting his love for her and Khushi pulled him in close, wanting him. She let out a moan and Arnav moved down to her throat and kissed her there, trailing up to her chin.

"I love you Khushi," he whispered.

That was four times he had admitted his love for her. And even more from before! Now it was time she told him how she felt.

Khushi tugged on Arnav's hair and made him look up. "I love you too," she whispered.

Arnav smiled and held her close, burying his face in her neck. Khushi placed her arms through his and tears of joy swelled up in her eyes. Arnav was happy to know that she loved him and now he wanted nothing but to make love to her.

Arnav kissed her cheek and looked at Khushi. Tears flowed down her cheeks and Arnav stopped it, kissing them away. He moved back to her lips and kissed her. Khushi parted her lips and allowed Arnav's tongue to enter her mouth and explore it. She pulled him in, her arms around his neck. The kiss was passionate but then it went wild.

They were kissing each other with no control, wanting the other badly. Khushi unbuttoned his vest and his shirt and Arnav came up and threw them off. Khushi couldn't resist him a second and sat up as well and kissed him, cupping his face. They continued to kiss, Khushi on standing on her knees, one arm around his neck, using her other hand to caress his face. Arnav had his hands on her waist, having her body against his.

She let go to catch on her breath and Arnav moved around her neck and throat, kissing it and nipping it here and there. He trailed down to her breasts and trailed his tongue down her cleavage. Khushi tugged on his hair and let out a moan. Arnav loved the sound of it and did it again, trailing back up.

"Mmm… stop torturing me," Khushi whispered.

But Arnav didn't listen. He trailed down again and Khushi tugged on his hair.

"Mmph… please?"

Arnav moved to her breasts and bit into them, licking it to ease the pain and then leaving a kiss.

"Aah… do it more…"

Arnav bit down into a breast and Khushi tugged on his hair. He licked it and then moved to the nipple and licked it.

"Aah! … do it again…"

Arnav moved to the other one and licked the nipple, going in circles with his tongue.

"Aah! … do it more…"

Arnav bit her breast and Khushi pulled on his hair. Her back arched forward from the excitement and Khushi was loving this. She titled Arnav's face up and kissed him, sucking on his lower lip, hard. She explored his mouth and sucked on his tongue, hard. She let go and trailed down to his neck and kissed it and bit down on it, licking it and then blowing on it. Arnav loved the cool feeling and he tugged on her hair. She did it again and Arnav was enjoying this.

Khushi trailed up to his ear and brushed her lips on it. "I love you," she whispered.

Arnav turned to look at her and Khushi caressed his face.

"I love you," she whispered again, "and I want to be yours forever."

Arnav put his fingers through her hair and kissed her and then leaned his forehead on her's.

"Make me yours," Khushi whispered.

Arnav let go of her and looked into her eyes. Khushi looked back in his and both saw the love they had for each other in their eyes. Arnav motioned her to lie down and Khushi did. He came on top and kissed her lightly, at first. They looked at each other a bit and then Arnav came in for another kiss, this one a little more longer and passionate. They looked at each other again and Arnav brushed a strand of hair away and kissed her again, going deep with it this time. It started passionate and went crazy.

Khushi wanted him badly and she moved her hands to his pants and unbuckled his belt. Arnav bit down on her breast and Khushi stopped.

"Aah," she cried out.

He did it again and Khushi clutched onto him.

"Aah," she exhaled.

He licked the nipple and Khushi held on tighter.

"Aah… you're torturing me."

He licked it more.

"Mm… please stop…"

He sucked on it.

"Aah! This feels so good…"

He sucked on the other one harder.

"Mmph! The torture…" Khushi turned her head, unable to stand it, holding the sheets beneath her.

He bit down on her breast.

Khushi clutched onto the sheets. "Aah!"

Arnav licked it and kissed it and when he let go of it, Khushi pushed him off and sat on top of him. She kissed him crazy and let go, catching her breath. She put her hands through his and brought their hands up above his head and kissed him again. This time when she let go, she rubbed her lower region and Arnav tried to release his hands but Khushi held onto his hands tight.

"You tortured me," Khushi whispered, "now I'm torturing you," she smirked with a sexy grin running across her face.

She came down and kissed him again and when she let go, she rubbed her lower region on him again. Arnav felt stuck, being pinned back and unable to do anything about the torture. He felt his pride going overboard and Arnav thought he was going to burst.

"Do you like this," Khushi whispered into his ear, still rubbing.

"You're torturing me."

Arnav felt her smile. "Good," and she nibbled on his ear.

Khushi came up and went a little faster with it and Arnav was hating the torture. He thought he was going to explode but Khushi finally stopped and let go of his hands. She moved down to his pants and unbuttoned it and unzipped it.

"Your pants are filled with excitement," Khushi smirked.

"Shut up."

Arnav rolled over and pinned Khushi down. The two looked into each others eyes and Khushi's chest was heaving up and down. Arnav kissed her on her lips and then went down to her chin, to her throat, licked her cleavage, nipped at her belly button, and went down to her lower region and allowed his tongue to torture her.

Khushi had her fingers through his hair and she arched up from excitement. "Aah…"

Arnav went at it again and Khushi's grip tightened.

"Mmph… aah!"

Arnav was loving this. He moved to the ball of excitement and let his tongue do the magic.

"Aah! … that feels good…"

He did it again.

"Mmph…." She put both hands through his hair and arched up again. "Do it more…"

Arnav listened and Khushi arched up from the excitement.

"Mmph," Khushi moaned, while Arnav continued, "this is… too good… aah!"

Khushi moved along, rubbing her lower region, loving what his tongue was doing. Arnav loved her reaction and he held her waist and moved with her.

"This… feels… too good," Khushi said. "Aah… I love this… but I want you…."

Khushi pulled hard on Arnav's hair, making him stop and move up. She tossed him off and pinned him back. She kissed him, tasting herself on his lips. Khushi moved down and pulled his pants and boxers down and got rid of them.

Arnav was about toss Khushi over, when he felt her bite down on his groin. He tugged on her hair, but that didn't stop her. She kissed it and licked it, torturing Arnav a lot. He tugged on her hair but it made Khushi act more.

"Khushi, stop torturing me," Arnav said, after finally able to make sound come out.

"Torture? What kind of torture? This," and she kissed it. "Or this," and she licked it. "Or this," and she bit down on it.

His grip tightened. "Khushi, stop."

"How about this?"

Khusbi rubbed her lower region on his manhood, not letting him enter her.

"Khushi… stop."

"Why?" She stopped. "Aren't you," and she moved again, "enjoying this?"

"I'd rather have you and myself in you than this torture."


Khushi was caught off her guard and Arnav rolled over and pinned her back. "Really."

Arnav entered Khushi and she took in a deep breath. Her chest heaved as she took in large amounts of air. Once she calmed down, Arnav kissed her and thrusted in and out of her. He let go and moved all over her neck and continued to thrust. Khushi had her fingers dug onto his shoulders as he thrusted.

"You're right," Khushi whispered, "this is… way more… better… aah!"

Arnav kissed her passionately. "I love you Khushi."

He bit down on her neck and Khushi gripped on.


Arnav looked up at Khushi, who had her eyes shut, enjoying everything. For once, instead of saying "Malik", she said his name. Arnav loved this and he kissed her again.


She said it again and Arnav was beyond happy. He continued to act this way and Khushi nonstop moaned out his name. They had their in hands in each other's, their lips were interlocked, and their bodies moved as one, Arnav thrusting in and out if her.

"Aah… Arnav…."




Arnav moved nice and slowly, kissing her lips delicately and passionately. As they continued, they began to pace up and then they went crazy.

"Oh… Arnav!"


"Aah! Arnav!"


"Arnav… aah! Arnav please…"


Khushi turned her head, feeling herself go crazy. She clutched onto the sheets beneath her and Arnav moved his hands down to her's. He put his fingers through her's and grasped her hands, bringing them up, above her head.


He kissed her throat. "Khushi…"

"Mmph… Arnav…"

"Khushi," he murmured into her neck and then bit down.

"Aah! Arnav…"

He licked it and blew on it. "I love you Khushi."

Khushi giggled lightly, feeling ticklish, and Arnav looked at her. "I love you too, Arnav."

Arnav kissed her lightly and Khushi caressed his face and gave him playful kisses and then he came off of her. Both were covered in sweat and Arnav covered both of them up with the duvet. He held Khushi around her waist and Khushi snuggled into him.

"I love you Arnav," she murmured into his chest.

Arnav kissed the top of her head. "I love you too Khushi."

And both fell asleep.

Chapter Eleven

*There's Bengali in this chapter. Translations in parentheses*

"W-w-what," Garima hesitated.

"Shut up," Arnav hissed.

"Chote," Dadi said, going over to Arnav, "what are you saying?"

"You heard me Dadi," Arnav said.

"But Chote," Nani said, walking over to him, "how-"

"What you were told was a lie, Nani. …she didn't die."

Nani and Dadi widened her eyes.

"Chote," Nani whispered out, "are… are you sure?"


Dadi turned to Khushi and held her hands. "Betiyan… betiyan, what's your name?"

Khushi remained quiet.

"Betiyan, please. Tell me."

"Don't be afraid," Arnav said, glaring straight at Garima, who was feeling uncomfortable. "No one can hurt you."

"Betiyan please! This is important! Please tell me! What is your name?"

Khushi sniffed. "My… my…." She took in a deep breath. "My name is Khushi."

Dadi and Nani widened their eyes. Arbaz and Anannya couldn't believe what they were hearing and went over to her. Anannya held Khushi's arm and made her face her.

"What," Anannya whispered. "What did you say?"

Khushi cried.

"Betiyan tell me! Tell me your full name!"

"Khushi… Khushi Kumari Gupta."

Anannya's grip loosened and she stared at Khushi wide eyed. "What? What did you say?"

"Khushi Kumari Gupta."

"But how," Arbaz said. "They said that you died from a disease-"

"But it was all a lie," Arnav said through his teeth. "Isn't that right Ms. Garima?"

"I-I d-d-don't know what you're talking about," Garima said really fast, looking up.

"Shut up! You damn right well know the truth but didn't say anything!"

Garima recoiled and looked down.

"B-but… I don't get it," Anannya said. "Why would she hide such a thing?" She turned back to Khushi. "Tell me, betiyan. Tell me!"

"Tell us all," Arbaz said. "Tell us!"

Khushi wiped away her tears. "The… the truth is… the truth is that she…."

"Khushi," Arnav said, cupping her face in his hands, "tell us. You don't have to be afraid anymore. She can't hurt you anymore."

Khushi took in a deep breath and calmed down. "The truth is…" and she swallowed. "The truth is that… she killed my father!"

Khushi held Arnav's hands tight and everyone stared wide eyed. Garima felt uncomfortable and was messing with her fingers.

"She's lying," Garima yelled out desperately. "Malik please! Don't listen to her! She's a really good liar!"

"Shut up you bitch," Khushi yelled out and everything went silent, so silent you could hear a pin drop.

"You little pest," Garima hissed. "You have some nerve to talk to me like that!"

"I will talk to you however I feel is necessary stepmother! All these years I've remained silent, scared for my life. But not anymore. Now that the truth is out, I won't stay quiet anymore!"

"So what if you tell the truth? You have no proof to prove that you are Shashi Gupta's only daughter. You-"

But Garima stopped. Khushi was laughing and everyone looked at her curiously.

"Oh stepmother," Khusbi said, chuckling, "you're so funny! What do you think? That I'm stupid? I'm Shashi Gupta's and Kamini Kumari Gupta's only daughter Khushi Kumari Gupta. You think that I'm stupid?!"

"What proof do you have?"

Khushi turned to face Arnav. "All the proof you need is at my home."

Arnav walked over to her. "Khushi, I don't need any proof to believe that you're you."

"Maybe. But there's more than my identity that you need to know about."

"Like what?"

"I'll show you."

Arnav and Khushi headed out, the Raizadas and Garima and Payal following behind. They went to Gupta manor and Khushi stormed through the door.

"Moni," Khushi call out.

An elder woman came out and looked at Khushi. "Khushi? Ki hoyeche (what happened)?"

"Moni my locket."

"Ki? Kintu… kintu keno (What? But… but why)?"

Arnav and his family came in and Moni's eyes widened. "A-Arnav babu?"

Arnav scrunched his eyebrows and everyone looked at her in confusion.

"Purnima," Annanya said, "tum? Itne saal ki baat?"

"Annanya I- Khushi, ey shob (all this)… I'll be right back."

She left the room and Garima and Payal came in, looking at each other scared and curious as to what Khushi was gonna do. Purnima came back, her fists clenched. She went over to Khushi and held her hand out and placed the locket in her hand.

"Jao (go) Khushi," Purnima said. "It's time the truth came out."

"You're right Moni. Cone with me."

Khushi held Purnima's hand and went to the staircase. Arnav and his family followed behind and Garima and Payal followed as well. They went up the staircase and Khushi went to the left and headed towards a room.

"Hey," Payal yelled out, and she ran over to Khushi. "That's my room!"

"Wrong! It's MY room," Khushi said confidently.

Khushi opened the french doors and went inside. "What the hell did you do to my room?"

Inside was a mess. It was horrendous!

"Shut up," Payal said. "It's not that messy."

Khushi rolled her eyes and walked through the mess to some candles on the wall.

"What are you doing," Garima asked.


Khushi removed the mantles and revealed boards. She took off a board and pressed into the wall behind. Behind them, a wall roughly slid aside and Garima and Payal stared at it wide eyed. Khushi picked up a mantle and walked through the secret passageway.

"What is this place," Garima said in wonder.

Khushi turned her head. "You'll see."

She looked at Arnav and saw him gazing at her. He couldn't help himself. The way the candlelight was shining on her face, Arnav couldn't help but gaze at her. Khushi blushed and looked away.

They walked through the hall and came into a huge room.

"What in the world… what is this place," Arnav asked.

"This was was Babuji's secret room,"Khushi replied. "Only him, Amma, and I knew about this room."

Khushi walked over to the desk and dusted it off. She opened up a drawer and took out a book and went over to a bookcase and placed it into a slot. The bookcase opened out, revealing a vault.

"What the hell," Payal shrieked out.

Khushi unlocked the vault and then took out a book and handed it to Arnav.

"What is this?"

"This is Babuji's diary. Inside you'll find some medical reports."

Arnav went through the book and found some papers folded up. He opened them up and looked at them and then back up at her. "Poisoning?"

"That's right. That woman," Khushi said, pointing at Garima, "slowly poisoned my father to his death, putting in drops of poison into my father's food, slowly killing him, making me an orphan!"

"What nonsense," Garima yelled out. "I-I d-did no such thing!"

"Don't lie you witch! You poisoned my food and planned on doing the same thing with me!"

"What," Arnav yelled.

"Yes Malik. She planned on killing me as well, because she was jealous of me."

"Oh shut up," Garima yelled. "Like I give a crap about you!"

"Don't lie because it's written all over your face," Khushi sneered.

"Shut up!"

"No you shut up! You tried to poison me but I knew better. I got rid of all the poison by tossing it into the river. But me living properly wasn't enough for you so you faked my death and made me a slave in my own home!"

"That's enough! I've heard enough from you and you'll be going to the dungeon!"

"The only one going to the dungeon is you! You were jealous of the fact that my father had already planned out my marriage with Malik while my mother was alive. You were jealous that my parents had set my marriage for that when I turned 18, I would become his wife. You were jealous and wanted to kill me! Because of you, under religion-wise, I got married not even exactly at the age of 4!!!"

Arnav's family looked away, remembering that day.

"You were jealous that I had become the Raizada Parivaar's bahu," Khushi continued. "You were furious that your daughter couldn't get married to Malik and that you wouldn't be able to live off of their money!"

"What," Arnav yelled. "What the hell?!"

"So what," Garima yelled. "I can do whatever I want! Even if that means-"

She stopped rambling. She didn't realize what she was saying and stopped herself before she said anymore. Garima fell to Arnav's feet and held onto him.

"Malik," Garima cried, "please! Don't send me to the dungeons!"

"Shut up," Arnav said and kicked her off. "That is exactly where you'll be taken."

Khushi went over to Arnav and held his arm and sighed. "I know what she did was wrong… but please don't punish her severely."

"But Khushi-"

"Please Malik. …what if she worked for her mistakes? She could make it up."

"Khushi betiyan," Anannya said, "how can you say that after-"

"I don't want to look at all the bad things. I'd like to look past it." Khushi turned back to Arnav. "Please?"

Arnav thought about it for a second and then nodded. "Fine. If you say so Khushi, then I'll do it."

"Thank you."

Arnav looked down at Garima. "You'll be working in the kitchen and do all the laundry," and he turned to Payal, "along with your daughter."

Khushi looked at Arnav. "But Malik-"

"My decision is final."

Arnav grabbed Garima's arm and Payal's arm and led them out and took them out of the house. He had his workers take them back to the Estate and have them put to work immediately. Everybody else came out and Khushi held onto her Moni's arm. Arnav turned to look at her and went over to her.

"Let's go Khushi," Arnav said.

Khushi looked up at Arnav. "Where?"

"Where else," Anannya said, going over to Khushi. "Our home. You're our bahu, and we must welcome our bahu to her new home, right?"


"Please Khushi. After we heard that false rumor that you were dead… you don't have a clue on how miserable I felt. Please Khushi, now that I know I have my bahu, I don't want to let go of you. Ghar chale? Please?"

"Under one condition."

Anannya scrunched her eyebrows.

Arnav went in front if Khushi. "Khushi, what are you say-"

Anannya put her hand up, motioning Arnav to stop. She looked back at Khushi. "And that would be?"

"I lost my mom when I was only 4," Khushi said. "And I barely remember her so… can I call you "Amma"?"

Anannya's eyes swelled up with tears and she nodded and held Khushi tight. Khushi hugged back, crying and Anannya put her hand on Khushi's head and calmed her down.

"Well I have a condition," Arbaz said.

Everyone looked at him.

Arbaz walked over to the two and Khushi stared at him wide eyed, nervous and curious. He placed his hand on Khushi's head and smiled lightly. "You have to call me Babuji."

Khushi let out her tears and nodded and gave Arbaz a hug and Arbaz kissed the top of her head. Arnav couldn't help but get emotional and was happy.

Arbaz loosened up and looked down at Khushi. "Chal bahu. Your new home is waiting for you."

"Na (no)!"

Everyone looked at Purnima in confusion.

"Khushi kutow jabena (Khushi's not going anywhere)."

Chapter Ten

The whole town went to Raizada Estate, every female, rich or poor. They went into the grand ballroom, really huge with a humongous domed ceiling, made of glass. The moon lighted up the room, as well as all the candles.

Nani and Dadi talked to some guests and Mr. And Mrs. Raizada were talking to other guests. Anjali was with her friends when one of her friends pointed out a guy that was staring right at Anjali. She turned and saw that it was the only son of the Jha Parivaar, Shyam. Anjali blushed, excited in her head because she had been crushing on him for as long as she could remember. Shyam wasn't like the other guys. He was quiet, calm, and didn't have a different girl in his bed every night. In fact, he had never slept with a girl, and he was made fun of by all the other guys for that. Shyam didn't care much about girls, but he loved reading and traveling, and Anjali loved that he was different.

Arnav was in his room getting ready. He opened up a secret passageway, and walked down the hall and went into his private room. He walked over to the other secret passageway and entered his chamber. Arnav went over to his desk and looked through some files, finishing up some final paperwork because he didn't want to be busy and stalled by work. Tonight, he planned on having a special night. A special night with a special person - his special Khushi.

Arnav walked over to a bookcase, where he had some important files stuffed into a shelf. He was trying to get out a file, when some files from on top of the bookcase fell.

Arnav groaned. "You've got to be kidding me."

He bent down and picked up the files, when one caught his interest. The file was red, and in cursive, was written "Gupta". He opened it up and his eyes widened.

"What. The…?"

Downstairs the Raizadas were waiting for Arnav to come down. Dadi looked around and saw a familiar face.

"Garimaji,"Dadi said, as Garima and Payal came walking over.

"The preparations are absolutely stunning," Garima said.

"Thank you very much, but it was all my bahu, so the credit goes to her, right Anannya?"

"Please Maji," Arnav's mother replied. "You're embarrassing me."

"Um, Anannyaji," Garima said, "where's Malik? Your whole family is here, but…?"

"I don't know… uh, Arbazji?"

Arnav's dad turned around. "Yes?"

"Did you see Chote?"

"No I haven't. Where is he?"

"I- there he is."

Everyone turned to the main entrance and Anjali went over to Arnav and linked arms with him, walking and talking.

"Chote, where were you?"

"I had some paperwork that-"

"Do you have to work everyday?"

"Trust me Di, this was worth it."


Arnav looked his sister in the eye and smirked. "You'll see."

"I hope you don't do anything stupid."

"Don't worry Di. Everything I've been doing so far was stupid. …today I'm making things right."

Anjali scrunched her eyebrows but then shook her head. "Whatever. Ma and Babuji are looking for you so go over to them."

"'kay," and he went over to his parents and took blessings from them.

"Kya baat hain Chote," Anannya asked, "all of a sudden you're seeking our blessings?"

"Why Ma? Is it wrong," Arnav asked.

"No, but you… all of a sudden," Arbaz said.

"Kuch garbar hain kya," Anannya joked.

"Ma, please. …just think that I'm about to take a huge jump. And I need your support-"

"Is that something you need to ask for? My blessings are always with you."

"As well as mine," Arbaz said.

Arnav nodded slightly and then Garima and Payal came over to him.

"Namaste Malik," Garima said and both her and her daughter put their hands together.

"Thank you for coming," Arnav replied. "I hope you brought every female from your home?"

"Of course Malik. Every maid is here."

Arnav looked around the room from corner to corner of his eyes. "I hope so."

Dadi and Nani came over.

"Chote," Nani began, "there's something we want to talk to you about."

"Yes Nani?"

"We want you," Dadi began, "to marry-"

"Dadi please. Don't-"

"No Chote. We've waited long enough. Now it's time we take action."

"What the-"

"Chote," Nani said, "we want you to marry Payal."

Garima and Payal widened their eyes.

"What," Arnav shouted, and everyone in the whole room turned. "No!"

Anannya held her son's arm. "Chote please, everyone is look-"

"I don't care if everyone is looking!"

"Chote," Arbaz boomed, "tameez se baat karo."

"Babuji please. I am NOT marrying this girl," Arnav said, pointing at Payal.

"Why not? She's a fine looking lady-"

"I don't care about her damn looks! I am NOT marrying her!"

"And why not?!"

"Because I-"

Arnav stopped.

"Well," Arbaz yelled. "Because you what?!"

Arnav stood still and felt his heart race up. He turned to the entrance but couldn't see anything because people were in the way. He made his way to the door and his family followed, Garima and Payal following as well. The only thing those two could think of was making Arnav agree so that they could be filthy rich and powerful.

As Arnav made his way through, people cleared out and the way to the entrance was completely cleared. Arnav stopped and stood still.

"Chote," Anannya said, catching up to her son, "what's wrong?"

"Chote," Anjali said, coming and standing beside her brother, "what's going on?"

But Arnav didn't reply. He just stared at the entrance, no one there, his heart beating.

Dhak, dhak. Dhak, dhak.

"Chote," Arbaz boomed, standing in front of Arnav, "what is the meaning of all this?"

Arnav turned away, disappointed. But then his heart raced up even more and he turned back to the entrance. His family was in his way and he moved them aside, revealing Khushi, standing right there, in front of his face. She looked stunning, wearing a sexy red colored lehenga sari, bejeweled, her hair out. The moonlight made her skin shine even more, her skin looking milkier than ever.

Arnav walked right towards her, thinking of nothing but her. Garima was furious and she had her jaws clenched. Payal's jaws had dropped and she couldn't believe this was happening. Arnav's family looked at Khushi, curious to know who she is. Everyone else was whispering and asked each other who she was.

Khushi looked down at her hands as Arnav came over to her and stood in front of her.

"You came," Arnav said, sounding more like a question.

Khushi looked down and nodded.

"I didn't think you would."

Khushi looked up at him. "It took great difficulty, Malik."

Arnav scrunched his eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"I can't lie to you Malik, but I prefer not to say anything," Khushi said, looking away, making sure not to make eye contact with him.

"Khushi?" He cupped Khushi's face in his hands. "Khushi tell me."

Anjali went over to her brother. "Chote? Chote what is going on?"

"Di, not right now." he turned back to Khushi. "Khushi tell me, what happened?"

"Please Malik-"

"No Khushi, tell me."


"Khushi! Tell me!"

Khushi's eyes swelled up with tears and Arnav held her close. Everyone gasped and Arnav's family went over to him.

"Chote," Arbaz yelled, "what is the meaning of all this," he hissed.

"Who is this girl," Dadi asked.

"Do we know her family," Nani asked.

Anannya shook her head, getting all these questions out of her head. "Chote, what is this girl to you?"

Arnav let go of Khushi and looked at his mother. "I'll show you."

Arnav grabbed Khushi hand and led her out the ballroom.


Anannya went after her son, everyone else following behind. Arnav pulled Khushi along with him, hurting Khushi's wrist.

"Malik," Khushi said, "Malik please!"

Arnav paid no attention and continued to pull her along with her.

"Chote," Anannya yelled out, but he didn't listen.

"Malik," Khushi said, "please! Let go!"

Arnav tugged on her hand and continued to walk. Arnav walked into the mandir and Khushi gazed away. The mandir was huger than any mandir she's ever seen, and for just a home? Amazing!

Arnav pulled Khushi in front of him and she stumbled. She stood in front of him, her eyes wide and were filled with curiosity.

"Chote," Arbaz yelled and Arnav and Khushi turned and looked at him. "What are you doing?"

Arnav stared his father in the eye. "Watch."

He released Khushi's hand and everyone looked at him as he walked towards a taal. He took a fistful of sindoor and walked back to Khushi and placed it over her head. Everybody's jaw dropped and Khushi had shut her eyes. After a few seconds, Khushi opened her eyes and brought her hand up to her head and brought it back down, seeing it all red. She looked at Arnav, eyes wide and was curious.

"Chote," Nani yelled. "What do you think you're doing?!"

"I'm doing what's right," Arnav said, looking straight into Khushi's eyes.

"Kya bakwaas kehrain ho," Dadi hissed.

"It's not bakwaas," Arnav yelled. "What I did is completely right!"

Garima pushed through, Payal following behind. "By marrying a PEASANT?!"

Everyone gasped and gaped at Arnav. They began to whisper and Arnav got pissed.

"ENOUGH," Arnav yelled and everyone recoiled.

"Chote," Anjali whispered.

"Di don't! And you," Arnav yelled, turning at Garima, "you should know better."

"What do you mean, Malik," Garima asked, acting innocent.

"Oh please, cut the crap! You know better Ms. Garima because this is your STEP DAUGHTER!!!"

Everyone widened their eyes. No one could believe it. Especially the Raizada family.

Chapter Nine


Arnav was going down the main staircase when his Di called.

"Yeah Di?!"

"Quickly get ready!"

"Di, where are we going?!"

Anjali came into the main hall. "We're going to the Gupta's. It's Shashi uncle's death anniversary."


Arnav turned and went back up to his room. As he changed, he couldn't help but think of Khushi.

"I wonder what Khushi is doing," Arnav wondered aloud. "How is she feeling? She must be miserable and she must be crying."

Arnav quickly got ready and went outside and got out his jeep. Him and his father drove over to the Gupta's in that and the ladies were in the car.

They arrived to Gupta Manor. It was huge, but grim. Ever since the death of Shashi Gupta, Khushi's stepmother and stepsister wasted all the money on themselves, being selfish and cruel, selling many valuables inside the house.

Arnav's dadi knocked at the door and a maid opened the door. She led them into the living room and the Gupta's waited.

"Welcome to my home."

They looked up.

"Ah, Garima," Nani said, "it's been long."

Garima came in and sat down in an armchair near the fire place.

"It really has," Garima said. "It was years ago, when you all last came."

"Yes," Dadi sighed. "It was at Shashi's funeral."

Garima sobbed up and cried. Everyone tried to comfort her but Arnav got this weird feeling. He couldn't help but feel that her crying was fake.

"Thank you for your kindness," Garima whispered. "It is a very emotional thing, loosing your husband."

"We understand," both Nani and Dadi said humbly.

"Mother," a girl's voice shouted.

"In the living room, dear," Garima called back.

They heard footsteps and then a girl came into the room.

"Mother I-"

She stopped at the sight of the Raizadas.

"Payal, these are the Raizadas," Garima said sweetly. "And this," Garima said, turning back to the Raizadas, "is my daughter Payal."

Payal put her hands together. "Namaste."

"What a lovely child," Dadi gushed. "Come here betiya."

Payal walked over to her and sat in between her and Nani. They all asked her questions, such as favorite hobbies, what she likes, hates, so much other stuff and Arnav got aggravated. He knew what the purpose of this visit was: to try to get Arnav to marry her. It wasn't the first time his family was doing this to him and he knew this wouldn't be the last.

"Chote," Nani said, snapping Arnav back to reality, "why don't you go with Payal betiya and see the house."

Of course, Arnav thought. The same old "look around the house" plan.

"Uh, sure," Arnav replied. "I'd love to see the outside of this house. Perhaps the back?"

"Um, of course Malik," Payal replied sweetly.

The two got up and Payal led him to the back of the Manor. Outside was beautiful, nothing but a sight of green. The area was hilly and there was a lake not to far.

"Beautiful," Arnav said, taking in the wonderful sight.

"Really," Payal asked, blushing.

Arnav looked at her from the corner of his eyes, a scowl expression on his face. He ignored what she said and began to walk around. Payal caught up with him and managed to keep up with his pace.

She placed an arm through his. "So Malik… what are your interests?"

"My interests? Not much really. … I must say, this area is beautiful."

"It is, isn't it," Payal asked, rubbing her boob on his arm.

"Uh, yes."

Payal was about to say something when something came flying their way. Payal released Arnav and covered her head and ducked, even though the thing went flying up. Arnav watched it as it went when he heard a voice.


Arnav turned and saw a guy running their way. He looked familiar and Arnav tried to think back. Who is this guy? After thinking a bit, he realized that this was Arjun.

"I got it," Arjun shouted.

He turned and saw Arnav. "M-Malik?" Arjun swallowed. "I-I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay."

Arjun nodded and left. After getting a few feet away from Arnav, he yelled out.

"I got the frisbee! Heads up," and he threw it.

Arnav watched it as it flew over. A voice shouted out and Arnav felt his heart lighten.


Arjun ran and Arnav followed behind. Payal finally looked up and saw that Arnav was gone.

"I GOT IT! I g-"

Arnav reached the top of the hill and looked down, but no one was there. He looked around desperately but saw no one, just the grassy field and lake. A hand shot up from the lake, frisbee in hand. The person threw it and Arjun caught it.

"Khushi," Arjun yelled out.

Khushi popped out her head and slowly came out the lake. Arnav watched as water trailed down her face, her walking out of the lake slowly, water trailing down her body. Her dress was clinging onto her and Arnav couldn't help but stare. Not only because it was outlining her body, but because unlike all her other dresses, this wasn't torn nor raggy. It was a decent dress that an average girl would wear, well, if they had money, that is.

"Arjun you gotta learn to throw that thing properly cause you my friend, are really bad at it," Khushi said.

She turned and saw Arnav. "Namaste Malik," she said, putting her hands together.

Just then Payal came running over.

"You stupid girl," Payal screamed out. "How the hell did you get it wet?!"

"What," Khushi simply replied. "Your ugly dress? I went for a swim. The dress is to big anyways, all poofed up so it'll make your breasts look bigger."

Payal's jaws dropped and she twitched her mouth and walked away. "Don't think I won't tell mother about this," Payal shouted back.

"Like I care!"

Arjun and Khushi nudged each other and then began to walk. Arnav stood still, thinking of how Khushi was so different than every other girl he'd ever met in his life.


Arnav turned to look at Khushi, snapping back to reality.

"Chale? Or do you want to stay here?"

Arnav shook his head. "No, let's go."

He followed behind Khushi and Arjun back to the house. Arnav went into the dining room, where his family was, as well as Garima and Payal. Arnav waited for Khushi to appear, but she never did. While eating, several maids came into the room, but not once did he see a single sight of Khushi.

After they were done eating, everyone went out to the patio. They talked and Arnav was getting bored. He wanted to see Khushi, but he didn't see her anywhere.

Garima noticed him looking out to the back. "I see you like the backyard a lot, Malik."


"No problem, Malik. Payal, take Malik out to the back."

Payal took him out and he searched for Khushi. All of a sudden, Arnav got this feeling. A feeling that told him Khushi was here. He turned and heard the sound of laughter. He ran over to where the sound came from, leaving Payal who was to busy fixing her make up, looking at her reflection in her compact, and he saw Arjun, leaning against a haystack, eating a green apple, and Khushi with a bow and arrow in hand. There was a target not far ahead of her and she aimed at it. The arrow went straight to the middle and Khushi had a confident look on her face.

"Seriously Khushi," Arjun said, "you are a skilled archer."

"Professional," Khushi said cockily, walking over to Arjun, "if I do say so myself."

"Of course," Arjun smiled.

Arnav was getting jealous of the chemistry that Khushi and Arjun were having.

"Oh yeah," Arjun said, "um… I never got to tell you what I wanted to say to you that day."

"Oh yeah, before you got sent to fix the ferris wheel," and Khushi laughed.

"Hey! So I may not be the best at fixing things! What about you?"

"I'm a lot better than you, thank you very much."

The two laughed and Arnav was getting more and more jealous by the minute.

"Seriously Arjun," Khushi said, placing her arms around his neck, "I don't know where I'd be if I didn't have you. You're such a good friend."

Arjun smiled. "I can be more than that," he said and he placed his hand on her waist, "if you want."

"Oh Arjun, you're so sweet!" Khushi gave him a hug and Arjun held her tight, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Khushi I…."

"You what," Khushi said, looking back up at him.


But he didn't say anything more because he saw Arnav.

"M-M-Malik," Arjun stammered.

Khushi turned and saw Arnav as well. Khushi could see fury in his eyes and she was puzzled at first, but then she realized she had her arms around Arjun's neck.

"Hey Arjun, can I have a bite of your apple," Khushi asked.

"Huh? Oh… of course."

"Care to feed me?"

"Why not?"

He brought the apple up to her lips and Khushi bit into it. Arnav was confused, trying to figure out what she was upto. Khushi took a huge bite of the apple and stuck half out of her mouth.

"Let's share it," Khushi said through her teeth.

"What? Share it?"

Kushi nodded.

"Um… okay."

Arjun opened his mouth and Khushi leaned in to place the outer half in his mouth. From back there, to Arnav, it seemed like as if the two were kissing. He clenched his fists and got really, really, REALLY mad.

Someone called out Arjun's name and Arjun left. Khushi finished up the apple and went around to the back of the haystack and tossed the core into the woods. She turned to go back, but Arnav came in front of her. Khushi tried to side step around him but Arnav grabbed her wrist and pinned her against the haystack. He kissed her hard, tasting the apple.

Arnav let go first. "You're as sour as the apple."

"Maybe, but I'm still sweet and not bitter."

She tried to release herself and walk away, but Arnav got hold of her.

"Where do you think you're going Khushi? I'm not letting go of you so easily."

"Why? Jealous?"

"Excuse me?"

"Jealous that I had my lips on Arjun's?" Khushi sighed. "I tell you, he is a much better kisser than you. He's so sweet and passionate and his lips are so soft and-"

"Enough! You will never go near that man again!"

"Who are you to tell me what to do and what not to do?"

"I own this land and I tell everyone here what to do, and that includes you!"

"Well too bad!"

She tried to release herself but Arnav's grip tightened.

"Let go of me," Khushi exclaimed.


"Let go!"


Khushi leaned into him. "Let. Go."

Arnav leaned in, their chests now meshed. "No."

Khushi looked him in the eyes and Arnav looked into her's and saw something form in her eyes and before he could do anything, Khushi pushed him back and he fell into a haystack. She came on top of him and kissed him. When she let go, she spoke.

"I hate you Malik! I hate that you have to be so good looking and so irresistible! I try to be mad at you but I can't! All I can ever think of is you! Your lips on my lips, you touching my body, the magic of your tongue, you biting into my flesh. I LOVE feeling you in me and fucking me!"

She kissed him hard and sucked desperately on his lower lip. She moved to his neck and nibbled on him and then came back up.

"What did I ever ask for? Not much right? Just for love, that's all! Then why? Why?! Why can't you love me?! Because I'm a peasant? But I'm not! I have the Gupta Parivaar's blood in me! And we're family friends! Then why can't you love me?! Why?!"

Arnav just looked at her as she cried into his chest. He felt really bad, especially since today was her father's death anniversary. And now all of this on top of all of that. Khushi got up and wiped away her tears.

Arnav stood up. "Khushi I-"

"I'm sorry for my outburst Malik," Khushi said, wiping away her tears and catching her breath. "Please don't punish me."

"Punish? What-"

"If you can, please forgive me Malik."

Khushi walked away.