Thursday, August 4, 2016

Chapter One

Glasses clinked once more, however the count was unknown. The three Raizada men tossed their heads back as they took yet another shot at their sixth club tonight.

"I now know how I'm celebrating my twenty second birthday," Akash said as he reached for another shot.

"No kidding. I'm even more drunk than I was at my eighteenth," NK said.

Arnav Singh Raizada smirked at his cousins. "You know me, always going above and beyond."

"That you do," and the three took shots again.

"But wait, there's more."

With a snap of Arnav's fingers, four strippers came over to them, causing NK to groan.

"Fuck yes," he growled as he grabbed the stripper before him by her waist.

Akash leaned back in his seat as the stripper gave him a lap dance. "This is the life!"

"I'd agree, but Nanav's got two friends instead of one," NK frowned.

A waiter came and handed Arnav his drink before going to the other two to give theirs. Arnav took a sip of his drink as the two strippers toyed with him and teased each other.

"I'm the birthday boy," he finally replied.

NK frowned, but said nothing, and the three enjoyed themselves.


It was about 4 in the morning when the Raizada men finally got home. And to no surprise, they were halted in their spots by their grandmother. She was still in her seat by the fireplace, her usual spot. The boys knew the drill and went over to her. She said nothing as they stood before her, looking at the crackling fire.

"The Lord of the Land," she finally said. "Do you understand the meaning of that?"

The question was directed at Arnav. "Yes."

"Do you understand the responsibilities of the Lord of the Land?"


"And will being out drunk and reckless until 4 AM make you a good Lord?"


"And yet you do it repeatedly, along with these two."

The three men glanced at each other.

Deviyani stood up and without another word, she left. The three Raizada men waited until she was out of the room and then let out their breath.

"Yo, I really thought we were busted this time for sure," Akash said.

"I'm telling you, one of these days, she will definitely explode on us," NK said.

"One day, but not today," Arnav said.

The other two shrugged and then the three split, heading up to their rooms, knowing that the morning would bring a massive hangover.


As predicted, Arnav's hangover was definitely massive. But this was a usual regimen, so he did what he needed to recover, and readied for the day. After all his tasks were complete, Arnav headed down to the dining room. As he rolled up the sleeves of his button down, he entered the dining room, finding the rest of his family, most of the seats taken, the one at the head of the table open.

Arnav took his seat at the head of the table. "Good morning everyone."

"Good morning," they all replied.

The servants entered the room and placed food on the table. The family waited for Arnav to fill his plate first before filling their own. As Arnav ate, he glanced at his father, Aryan, sitting to his right. His mother, Shalini, sat beside his father and when she caught his glance, the two smiled at each other. Beside her was his eldest chacha, Vikram, his wife Amoli sitting beside him. His youngest chacha, Kabir, sat beside her, his youngest Chachi, Amoli, sitting beside him. Akash and NK sat to his left, while his Deeda, Deviyani, sat at the opposite end. Many seats were empty, as the table was very big. One seat should have been filled, Arnav's sister Anjali usually by his side, but she was away at a friend's.

I wonder if she's hot, Arnav said in his head.

"Do you know what you're scheduled for today," Aryan asked him, taking him out of his thoughts.

"I'm checking out the fields and mills. Akash and NK will accompany me."

"Could you pick up Anjali on your way back," Shalini asked.

"Of course Ma."

Arnav and the boys headed out once breakfast was complete and checked out the wheat fields. Production was going smoothly and when they checked in on the mills, all the machines were running fine. The task didn't take as long for them to complete, so the boys went to pick up their sister.

"You think Di's gonna get married soon," NK asked.

"Most likely. Lucky her that things don't run exactly the same way as they used to," Akash said

"Tell me about it. I mean I can't believe my mother got married and had me at 12. If that were me, I'd freak!"

"Regardless of things changing or not, she's my sister," Arnav said, typing on his phone. "There's no way I'm just gonna let her get married to just anyone, that too at a young age."

"Well she isn't just anyone, but a Raizada, which got her lucky. Otherwise she'd be like the rest of the town, marrying at 10," Akash said.

"No kidding," NK said as he saw a 16 year old girl walking past, her parting filled with vermilion, with a kid at her waist.

The driver drove through parted gates, pulling up to a grand home on the rich side of town. Shalini had called Anjali ahead of notice, so Anjali and her friend had been waiting outside.

"Check her out," NK said.

Both Arnav and Akash looked at Anjali's friend. She had mid-length brown hair and brown eyes. She seemed to be average height, her curves quite clear.

"Check out that ass," Akash groaned.

The driver came out and opened the door for the men.

"Chote," Anjali beamed as she ran towards Arnav for a hug.

Arnav hugged his older sister back and glanced at his sister's friend. She was glancing at him, looking him up and down. Their eyes met and Anjali pulled back.

"Chote, this is my friend Kavya. Kavya, this is my brother, Arnav."

Kavya stepped forward. "It's so nice to meet the Lord of the Land."

"The pleasure is mine," Arnav smiled slightly.

"And these are my cousins Akash and NK," Anjali smiled.

The two nodded and so did Kavya.

Anjali turned to Kavya. "We're going to Leena's party tonight," she admonished.

"But Anjali-"

"We're going. You can't let her bitch you around!"

"I get that but-"

"But nothing!"

Kavya opened her mouth to speak, but the men's chuckling stopped her.

"Trust me, once she makes her mind up, there's no stopping her," Arnav said.

"No kidding," Kavya frowned.

"We're going," Anjali said sternly.

"Alright, alright! We'll go to her stupid party."

Anjali grinned and hugged her. "We'll show that bitch her spot."

Arnav cocked his eyebrow. "What did she ever do to you?"

Anjali waved it off, feeling no need to tell him. Instead she bid her farewell and they headed to the car. Arnav looked at Kavya before he turned away and she eyed him as he went inside the car. When the car pulled away, Anjali bounced in her seat with anticipation, excited for the party. At first the boys thought of asking her what was up, but decided not to know her evil plot.

"What time's the party," Akash asked.

"Oh no, you guys are not going to this party."

"What? Why not?"

"Because its a lingerie-themed party, and there is no need for you three to be there."

"Are you kidding me," NK exclaimed. "That's exactly why we have to go."

Anjali frowned. "No."


"There is no way you guys are going!"

"And why not," Akash asked.

"Cause its odd! My bros and I at a lingerie party? Uh, no!"

"You said it was that Leena chick's party. Her dad's like stinking rich and her place is huge. We'd never even see each other."


"Oh come on Di. Plus I've never been to one. None of us have."

NK nodded with a pout.

"Gee, I wonder why? Could it be because you guys are big flirts, never call back, just have a booty call, or forget that the girl ever existed in the first place?"

The three frowned at her.

"So many options to choose from," she squinted.

Arnav rolled his eyes. "You won't see us and we won't see you. 'Kay?"

Anjali scowled at him, but Arnav's face remained serious, never breaking his eye contact.

"Ugh! Fine! But we are not going together!"

"Deal," the three replied.


  1. Awesome chapter
    Is khushi here in story or is kavya the lead girl in this story???

  2. considering the total old traditional backdrop of child marriage, lingerie party is way too advance...what a clash of civilisations..
