Sunday, March 17, 2013

Chapter Twenty Three

"That's it Arnav… fuck me! … Fuck me hard!"

He looked up at her. "Khushi, you are so naughty."

She pulled him in. "Less talk, more fuck."

He smirked. "Couldn't have said it any better myself," and he thrusted.

With each passing second, their lovemaking was getting intense. Eventually it all ended and then the two collapsed beside each other.

Khushi caught her breath. "Arnav?"


"When… when are we going… back?"

He looked at her. "What do you mean?"

"I mean… we can't stay here for that long."

Arnav sighed and leaned back on his pillow. "True."

She looked at him as he thought.

"Fine, we'll go after tomorrow," Arnav said.

"Okay," she smiled softly.

Arnav caressed her face. "Aren't you having fun?"

She smiled. "A lot. But I miss everyone else as well."

Arnav nodded. "Me too. Video chatting with everyone isn't enough."


Khushi snuggled into Arnav and as Arnav stroked her back, Khushi fell asleep, Arnav eventually falling asleep.

When morning came, Arnav woke up to the sun shining in. Khushi wasn't next to him and he got up.



"Where are you?"


Arnav stepped out and saw Khushi standing there. He yawned as he walked over to her and rested his chin on her shoulder.

"Ouch," Khushi said. "Your grizzles are hurting me."

"Oh? Does it?" He rubbed them on her cheek.

"Ouch! Yes! Stop!"

Arnav continued while Khushi tried to shrug him away.

"Arnav stop! Stop it please!"

Arnav did. "Gosh you sound good when you cry out."

Khushi blushed. "Arnav, please."

He shrugged and kissed her cheek.

"Go wash up, hmm? You must be starving."

"No joke," and he left to wash up.

When he came out, his breakfast was ready and both sat down to eat. Khushi was waiting for him and Arnav didn't like the idea and argued that she should've woken him up but Khushi paid no mind to it and they just ate.


They passed the day with some shopping, buying gifts for everyone. They were going through the mall, when Arnav stopped in front of a store. Khushi hadn't realized and continued talking and when Arnav didn't respond, she turned. She saw him and went over to him.

"Arnav? What's wrong?"

"Hmm? Oh, nothing."

"Then why are you standing here?"

Arnav crossed his arms. "Khushi, we should DEFINITELY go inside this store."

Khushi couldn't see much inside since the glass was really, really tinted. "What is this?"

Arnav took her hand in his. "You'll see," and he took her inside.

Inside was somewhat dark; little spotlights pointing down. Some other people were in there, but not much.

"Arnav, what is this place?"

"Oh, not much," he grinned devilishly.

"Are we buying someone a present from here?"

"Yup," he said, looking around.

"But... I thought we already bought something for everyone?"

"Nope." He looked at her. "We didn't for us."

Khushi scrunched her eyebrows and Arnav held her hand and led her around the store. She wasn't paying attention to anything, trying to figure out what was going on. Arnav stopped and picked up two balls with a string of lace attached, which Khushi didn't notice and Khushi looked at it.

"Balls? What are you gonna do? Play with them," Khushi joked.


Khushi was confused as she followed him around the store. She saw these beautiful butterfly clip-looking things and pointed at those.

"Arnav, those are pretty!"

Arnav looked at it and smirked. "You sure you want it?"

"Yes! They're pretty! Imagine them in my hair! Not to sound obnoxious and all."

Arnav smirked and got them and held it.

Khushi didn't pay so much more attention, watching Arnav pick stuff after stuff, though something seemed weird. She saw the people around and saw the logo of the store on its bag: "Oh Heaven!" Yeah it didn't seem that weird, by something was up, and she wasn't having a clue on what Arnav was buying, that too of so much stuff.

They reached the register and Arnav put down the stuff he had put into a store basket. The lady at the register gave Arnav a coy smile and Khushi got jealous. She slithered her hands into his hands and clasped them. This didn't go amiss by Arnav and he tried not to smirk.

The chick at the register went through the basket and said each item as she scanned it:

"1 set silver jiggle balls with free-roaming weights inside, 1 set butterfly nipple clamps, a riding satin crop whip, universal cuffs, leather cuffs, beginner soft bonds, massage gel, nipple vibrator, lace hold ups, a golden vibrator, spank ties, a satin blindfold, shower suction handcuffs, nipple rub, adjustable spreader bar, lace undergarments, red tie, and grey tie."

Khushi's jaw had hit the floor while Arnav remained with an expressionless face. The chick at the register didn't care about Khushi and looked at Arnav while he got his wallet out, Arnav not paying attention at her at all. Arnav gave her his credit card and he looked at Khushi. She looked back at him in shock and Arnav gave her a sexy grin.

"Shut your mouth baby," Arnav muttered. "It's for me only," he winked.

Khushi blinked and shut her mouth. The chick at the register handed Arnav the bag and he took it and led Khushi out the store.

Once they got out, Khushi didn't waste a second.

"Arnav, what the hell is all this stuff," she whispered out.

"Fun," he simply said.

"But Arnav-"

"Ssh," he said, moving in closer to her and he leaned her up against the wall.

Khushi's eyes widened and she looked side to side, people looking at them. "Arnav stop," she whispered, "people are looking at us."

"Let them," and he covered her lips with his.

Khushi was still at first, but then she recovered and caressed his face and pulled him in closer. Arnav had her held back with his hips, Khushi feeling his erection, making her groan into his mouth.

Arnav let go first. "We have to get back to the hotel now before I lose it."

Khushi nodded. "Fast."

And the two left without a word.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Chapter Twenty Two

The hotel called, telling them that they had reserved the pool just for them that night. It would only be them, no one else around, not even the staff. They would give the keys to Arnav and he would later return it in the morning.

This meant a little shopping and Arnav and Khushi headed out to the mall. Khushi didn't find a point, but Arnav did. He took her to Victoria's Secret and led her to the swimwear.

"Arnav, what are we doing here," Khushi whispered.

"Simple. You need to buy a bikini."

Khushi looked at him blankly. "Come again."

"You heard me."

Khushi looked at all the bikinis and gaped. "I'm gonna wear this?"

"Mm hmm."

"But Arnav-"

"Relax Khushi. It'll only be me and you."

"I know, but still!"

"Come on Khushi! Please," he pouted.

His pout was irresistible and Khushi bit her lip. "Fine," and she pecked his lips.

Khushi looked through the swimwear and found some bikinis and coverups that looked nice. She took them and headed to the trial room. Arnav tried to go with her, but Khushi made him wait outside.

"Surprise," Arnav questioned.

Khushi just smirked and went in.


They got back to the hotel and had dinner. After that, they took their stuff and headed upstairs. A guy was there and he gave Arnav the key and then he left, leaving Khushi and Arnav alone. Arnav unlocked the door and the two headed out to the roof.

The place was decorated. There were lightings going around and there was a cabana as well, a bed in the middle. There were some stairs and up that, led to the pool. From beyond, you could see the city below. It was absolutely beautiful and they were the highest ones above.

Arnav looked at Khushi. "Ready to dive in?"

Khushi nodded. "Yup."

Arnav went into the changing room first and changed into his shorts and came out. Khushi went in and Arnav couldn't help himself but dive right into the pool. The water was just right and it was a good thing it was a really hot day.

Some time later, Khushi still hadn't come out yet. Arnav wondered and before he thought deeply into it, Khushi came out and Arnav nearly drooled. Out she came in a black bikini:

She was looking stunningly sexy. Arnav felt his manhood aching, thinking her body was crying out "touch me Arnav! Touch me!" As she headed towards the pool, to Arnav her body was saying "come and feel me big boy! Come and feel me."

Khushi was preparing to jump and Arnav stared at her cleavage. To him, it was crying out "remove these two strings and come lick me. Come Arnav, come? Or do you want me to cum?"

Khushi jumped in, creating a splash and she popped her head out. Arnav's manhood ached more, seeing the water drop down her milky skin. He wanted to lick every droplet off of her.

"So," Khushi said, "what do you think?" She gestured at her bikini.

"You look sexy," Arnav drooled.

Khushi looked away and then splashed water at his face. Arnav recoiled and then splashed at
Khushi. They went back and forth, back and forth, until Arnav finally grabbed her wrists. The two stared at each other for a moment and then kissed.

They held each other and looked up at the sky. The stars weren't as noticable as it was from their place, since the city was full of lights.

Arnav looked at his beautiful wife and how mesmerizing she was. He made her face him and he kissed her. It was a passionate kiss and they continued kissing and got carried away.

"Mmph! … Arnav," Khushi moaned in between kisses.

"Khushi," Arnav whispered out. He moved all over her neck. "You're so beautiful," he said, while kissing her all over her neck.

"Arnav… let's do it…."

Arnav nodded and they got out of the water and headed down to the cabana. It was well heated and Khushi pushed Arnav back and got rid of his shorts. She saw his manhood proud and straight and went to her bag and got out a condom.

"Always be prepared," Khushi said to a confused Arnav.

She got them protected and got rid of her bikini and let him enter her. "Aah! I just love this feeling."

"Good. Now let's f*ck!"

The two kissed and Khushi moved slowly.

"Aaah! Aaaaaah! Arnav… Mmph! Oh yeah… aah!"

"F*ck Khushi!"

Khushi went without control. "Aaaaah! Arnav! Oh my gosh… aaah!"

"That's it Khushi, f*ck!"

"Ooooh! … aaaaah! Arnav… Arnav you're so big!"

"I know sweetheart. You told me last time."

Khushi smirked seductively and gyrated her hips. "Like that Arnav? Hmm? Like it baby?"

Arnav groaned and covered his face with his hands. "Keep doing that."

Khushi gyrated faster and nibbled on his neck and chest. "Ooooh! Arnav… this feels so good! Aaah! … aaaaah! Yeah… mmm… aaah!"

Arnav turned them over and kissed her. "My turn," and he thrusted really hard.

"Aaaaah! … aaaaaah! Oh my- Arnav… oh my gosh! Arnav… f*ck me!"

Arnav thrusted harder. "How about that sweetheart?"

"Mmm… oh yeah… f*ck me! F*ck me hard!"

Arnav thrusted with no control and Khushi's heart skipped a beat.

"Arnav… aaah!"

Arnav grasped her hands and brought them above her head. While he thrusted, he also kissed her.

"Aaah! Arnav! I'm gonna burst!"

"Just cum for me sweetheart."

And within seconds, she did. She moaned as she did and caught on her breath. Arnav relaxed as well and looked at Khushi. She looked back up at him and the two kissed.


"Yes sweetheart?"

"You'll never leave me, right?"

Arnav kissed her. "Never. "

Khushi smiled and pecked him on his lips.

The two got up and got their clothes on and headed back to their room. Once they got in, Arnav grabbed her wrist and pulled her in.

"What's wrong Arnav?"

"Nothing. … Khushi, promise me one thing."

Khushi scrunched her eyebrows.

"Don't ever leave me. 'Kay? Ever!"

Khushi smiled and have him a good 10-seconds kiss. "Never."

"Cause if you do,'I'll die-"

"Arnav please, don't say that. I can't think of loosing you. Just don't ever leave me, okay?"

Arnav nodded. "I would never even think of it."

Khushi smiled and gave him a hug. "I love you Arnav."

"I love you too Khushi."

Arnav broke away first and carried her to the bed and the two once again got carried away. This time, it was Khushi that was starting it, by taking off her clothes first and then getting rid of Arnav's.