Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Chapter Fourteen

"A-A-Arnavji, please," Khushi stammered, "please let me go."

"Not until you say my name, without all the formalities."

"Can't we discuss this later? Di's coming this way!"

"Oh? Is she?"

"Yes! Didn't you hear? She said she's going to her room!"

"Well then… I suggest Khushi that you quickly do as I said otherwise…."

"Otherwise what?"

"Di will see me doing this," and he nibbled on her neck.

Khushi's grip tightened. "Please! I beg you!"

Arnav looked up. "Khushi it's a very simple thing. So just do it."

Anjali's footsteps got louder.

"Arnav, please let go of me," Khushi begged.



Arnav put his hand over her mouth and pulled her to the side. Khushi's eyes were wide, as she stared at Arnav, but he was paying no attention. He was looking down the hall and Khushi looked over as well. Anjal passed the hall and was out of sight.

Khushi pushed Arnav's hand away. "How come she didn't come this way?"

Arnav simply smirked.

Khushi thought about it for a minute. "Wait a second! Di's room isn't down this hall! It's down the next-" Khushi placed her hands on her hips. "Why you son of a-" Khushi stopped herself and turned away and crossed her arms.

Arnav put his arms around her waist. "Are you mad at me?"

"What do you think, Sherlock?"

"I don't think I'll need Sherlock's opinion but…" and Arnav nuzzled his chin on her shoulder, "I think I know how to make it up to you."

Khushi turned her head and looked at him. "And how will you do that?"

Arnav smirked a sexy smirk. He let go of her and swooped down to pick her up. Khushi placed her arms around his neck and Arnav walked to their room.

As Arnav shut the doors with his feet; Khush sighed. "Ah… now I get it," Khushi joked.

Arnav put her down and crossed his arms.

Khush looked side to side. "What," she shrugged.

"It would be much easier if you removed all those safety pins," he pointed.

"You know, you're really smart. At least, my sari will be safe and not torn."

"Thank you," he nodded.

Khushi removed some safety pins. "You know, I don't get it. How come in movies, tv, books, etc, they make it seem so easy? I mean it's not like as if one pull easily does it, right?"

"Yeah… unless your Vidya Balan."

"… who?"

"Vidya Balan? You know, the girl from "The Dirty Picture"?"

"… huh?"

"You must be kidding me."

"Hey! Not my fault if I'm some villager and never been to the cities!"

"Okay! Sorry! But you don't need to be in the city to watch a movie. Anyways forget it. Are you done yet?"

"With what?"

"Taking all the pins out."

"Oh! Yeah why?"

"So I can show you a part they showed in the movie."

"And that would be…?"

Arnav grabbed the pallu of her sari and pulled on it hard, making Khushi spin, revealing herself.

Khushi's jaw dropped. "What kind of movies do you watch?!"

But Arnav didn't reply and tugged on it, having the whole sari in his hands. Khushi turned away and covered her chest with her arms. Arnav placed the sari down and approached her. He pulled on the string of her blouse and unclipped the little clip that held only an inch of cloth (yes, her back was that much revealed). He pulled on the string of the petticoat and it fell to the floor, revealing Khushi's natural glory.

Arnav leaned in, her back against his chest, and he placed his hands over her's, on her shoulders. "I must say," he whispered in her ear, "you really, truly…" he eyed her a bit, "are sexy, Mrs. Raizada," he whispered, brushing his lips on her ear.

Khushi blushed and smiled. She liked his little flirtatious game. "That's Malkeen to you, sir," she slightly smirked.

Arnav went in front of her and pulled on her waist, making their bodies mesh. "Is that so?"

"Yes," she smirked, and she pushed forward, making Arnav stumble back on the bed.

Khushi sat on top of him, still covering herself. She smirked at Arnav and Arnav sighed.

"You're such a tease, Malkeen," Arnav said.

"Tell me something I don't know."

Arnav smiled. "Come here Khushi, I want you."

Khushi shrugged. "Not in the mood."

"Oh? Well… that's not good, is it?"

Khushi shook her head.

"Then tell me, Malkeen, what do I need to do to fix your mood?"

"Um… i know. Satisfy me."

"Satisfy you?"

"Uh huh. Show me that you're worth all this," she said, eyeing down at her body. "Satisfy me… and I'm all yours."

He turned her over and came on top of her. "Fine then… I'll try that. But what if I don't satisfy you?"

"Then you can't have me… for a week."

"A week?! What the-"

"You heard me."

"Khushi, that's wrong. … then forget it."

"What? But-"

Arnav got off of her and sat the other way, facing his back towards her. He was fixing his cuffs when Khushi put her arms through his. Her breasts were meshed to his back and Arnav knew she had gotten rid of her blouse.

Khushi moved to his ear. "You have that much faith in yourself," she whispered.

"Shut up Khushi."

"What," she asked innocently. "I'm just saying," and she nipped at his ear.

"You're evil."

"And you're not?"

Arnav remained quite for a moment. He moved Khushi's hands away and turned to face her. Khushi just looked at him, confused, and Arnav caressed her face with his hand.

"I hurt you a lot, didn't I," he asked, his voice low.

Khushi held his hand. "Don't even think about it."

"Khushi I-"

Khushi placed a finger on his lip. "Don't."

Khushi could tell that he wasn't going to let this go she quickly covered his lips with her's and tilted his face up at her's and she kissed him possessively. Arnav got caught of guard and he forgot about everything else and kissed her back. Khushi let go first to catch her breath and Arnav moved down and kissed her body. He bit into her neck and Khushi tugged on his hair. Arnav looked up and Khushi covered his lips with her's, again.

When she let go, she spoke. "I don't want you to ever think about that again."

"But Khushi-"

"Please. Don't make me beg-"

"Fine. If you say so, then I won't."

"Thank you," and she hugged him, resting her head on his.

"I love you Khushi," Arnav said, holding her tight.

"I love you too," she said into his hair.

Khushi tilted his face up and kissed him on the cheeks, chin, and forehead. Her lips hovered above his and all Arnav could think about was the taste of her plump lips. He caressed her face and pulled her in and gave her a long kiss, sucking away on her lips. He turned her over and laid her flat down and continued to kiss her, Khushi unbuttoning his shirt.

Arnav came back up and got rid of his shirt and Khushi pulled him back in, unable to resist him. Both ran out of breath and were gasping for air. Arnav looked down at Khushi, as her chest heaved up and down. Khushi placed her hands on his chest and traced it with her fingers. She looked back up at Arnav and both were stuck gazing at each other.

Outside, it was raining heavily and at the sound of thunder, Khushi held onto Arnav tightly. She had her eyes tightly shut and her fingers dug into Arnav's shoulders.

"Khushi, relax. It's just thunder," he whispered into her ear, stroking her hair.

"I-I'm scared of it," she whispered.

Arnav looked up at her. "You don't have to be scared of anything, anymore. I'll always be by your side, never letting any harm happen to you."

Khushi was touched by his words. She never thought that anyone in the world would ever care this much for her. Arnav saw the tears form in her eyes and he didn't want her to cry. He kissed her cheeks, chin, forehead, and her eyes.

"I don't want to see you cry, ever again," Arnav said. "Understood?"

Khushi nodded and hugged him again tightly. He kissed her hair and then moved down and kissed her on her lips again. That night, neither let go of the other.


  1. awwww its so cute how they are and Arnav told her not to be scared when he's around!
    Very nice update
