Friday, September 7, 2012

Chapter Eight

"Malik… why do you have to be like this?"

"Shut up Khushi, you're ruining my mood."

"But you're such a tease!"

Arnav tugged on Khushi's hair. "Speak for yourself."

Khushi pushed Arnav off of her and sat on him. "I guess I am."

She kissed him and trailed her way down to his manhood and Arnav tugged on her hair as she did what she did.

She came back up and kissed him. "Malik, if you keep calling me out of my work, then I'll never get paid."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of that."


"Don't forget who you're talking to."

Khushi smiled. "Of course."

Arnav reached up and kissed her. "Oh yeah, before I forget. Are you coming to the ball?"

"Um… I don't think I can."

"Why not? Every eligible girl is to attend and you," Arnav said, a dangerous gleam appearing in his eyes, "are very eligible."

"Am I?"

Arnav tugged on her hair. "Yes."

Khushi sighed. "I don't know Malik. I don't think my stepmother will let me."

"Well she can't do anything about it. I'll make sure you get there."

"And how will you do that?"

"It's my order, and it says so on the invitation. And if necessary I'll go myself in person."

"Why do you care so much Malik?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why do you want me there? There will be so many other girls there, much prettier than me. You'll just find one and then take her to your room and-"

"Shut up Khushi."

"Why should I? You know you will do that-"

"I said shut up Khushi."


"Are you going against my word?"

"Yes! Why does it matter if I come?"

"Because I-"

Arnav stopped himself again and then pushed her off. He sat up and tried to clear his head. Khushi came from behind and placed her arms through his and held onto him.

"I'm sorry Malik," Khushi said. "I-"

"Forget it."

Arnav still couldn't believe what he was about to say and he was getting frustrated. He clutched onto the sheets and Khushi felt him tensing up. She didn't want him to get mad, so she pushed her body on him, her boobs meshed onto his back.

"Malik… don't get mad."

"I'm not!"

Who was he kidding? Khushi felt him tense up more so she nibbled on his neck.

"Khushi stop it."

"Why Malik," she whispered in his ear.

"Because I said so."

He felt Khushi smile and she moved back to his neck. She nibbled on it and licked it.

"Khushi I said to stop."

But she didn't. She bit down on his neck hard and then licked it to ease the pain.


"You know you want me Malik. That's why you want me at the ball. You don't want any other girl because you l-"

She didn't get to finish because Arnav pushed her back. He came on top of her and went straight for her neck and nibbled on it. He moved to the other side and did the same and then bit down hard.


He looked up at her. "You're right Khushi. I do want you there. I don't want any other girl in my bed. I want you. I want you in my bed and I want to hold onto you. I want to feel you, taste you, fuck you. Only you."

He kissed her hard and Khushi held his face. He let go and looked up.

"I want you Khushi. I want you…"

He kissed her neck and bit into it.

"Aah… love me Malik…"

Arnav stopped and looked back up. "No Khushi."

"What? No? B-"

"What did you think? That I'd love a peasant like you? You're so funny. You're nothing but my bitch, Khushi."

Khushi's heart dropped. The smile on her face disappeared and she felt her insides hollow out. Arnav moved back to her neck and nibbled on it. When he bit down hard, he expected Khushi to grasp onto him and moan, but she simply held on tighter and let out a meek sound.

He thought it was because it wasn't enough for her, so he bit her breasts. She wasn't reacting to that either so he did more. But she still didn't react. Arnav was getting frustrated and did more, but the more he did, he kept getting the same result.

"What the fuck Khushi?! Why aren't you reacting?! Fucking cry out! Grip onto me! Yell out Malik!"

But Khushi remained still, a tear flowing down her cheek.

"You know what Khushi, fuck you! … and that's exactly what I'll do."

He entered her roughly and Khushi screamed out in pain.

"That's right Khushi, scream!"

He moved in and out of her and Khushi gripped tightly onto him, screaming and crying in pain.

"That's it Khushi! Hold onto me tight! Scream!"

He moved faster and and Khushi yelled out more.

"Scream bitch! Scream!"

He went even more fast and Khushi held onto him tighter.

"Scream baby! Scream!"

She screamed as Arnav went faster.

"Aaah!!! Malik!!!"

"Oh yeah Khushi, scream more! Yell out more!"






Arnav felt her grip loosen and her hands fell to her sides. When he looked up, he saw that she had fainted, color had wiped off her face. Arnav stopped and got off of her and laid back beside her, moving his hair back and catching his breath. He looked over at Khushi, who was looking lifeless.

He felt bad, but he did what he did. He knew that he had to act like that, otherwise- otherwise she'd have the wrong idea. Arnav Singh Raizada can never love a peasant.

He got up and went over to a mirror to fix his hair, when something popped in his head: you love her.

Arnav couldn't believe what he was thinking. But no matter how hard he tried to get it out, it repeated in his head.

You love her. You love her. You love her. You love her. You love her. You love her. You love her. You love her.


Arnav pulled on his hair and collapsed to the floor. "I don't love her!"

He looked up and saw… himself?

"You love Khushi," and the figure disappeared.

Arnav looked around and then stood up. He walked over to Khushi and moved a strand of hair off her face. The rosy color of her cheeks were returning and Arnav felt bad. He collapsed to his knees and just looked at her.

"I'm sorry Khushi."

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